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Singing garden bird (europe-greece) (1 Viewer)


Active member
i recorded this bird in my garden this afternoon (around 4 pm). The bird was in a very thick tree so i could not see it. I think it sounds like a european starling but I am not sure. I have a very hard time identifying bird songs so if anyone has any ideas what it might be please reply :)


  • gbbc 1 - good part.mp3
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I'd say a bit more information on the location would be nice. Province at least would be nice, nearest village/city even better..

Not a Starling. Possibly a Blackcap.
Yes, I just looked it up and it is very similar. However, I thought it is a little early in the year for a blackcap in the area. There are wintering populations here in greece so maybe you are right after all. I think i saw a bird that might look like a blackcap today but if anyone has any other info please share
Dunno how hot it is in Greece, but it's freezing here at the moment... But our temps have been up and down a fair bit recently
there is a snowstrom expected in greece over the weekend. probably warmer in london. it was very cold while I was birding and I could not even feel my fingers haha i guess we have a long way until spring
there is a snowstrom expected in greece over the weekend. probably warmer in london. it was very cold while I was birding and I could not even feel my fingers haha i guess we have a long way until spring
Something about -5C tomorrow morning. Race you to death by hypothermia...
I doubt it's warmer in London-we've just had our coldest snap for 3 years & barely much above freezing by day & down to -7 on the coldest night. I certainly haven't heard any Blackcaps singing in London & don't recall any singing have been mentioned yet on London Birders which isn't to say somebody hasn't had one.
I agree with Blackcap and the 'ticking' sound of a Robin. In many species singing is more triggered by day length than temperature...
I doubt it's warmer in London-we've just had our coldest snap for 3 years & barely much above freezing by day & down to -7 on the coldest night. I certainly haven't heard any Blackcaps singing in London & don't recall any singing have been mentioned yet on London Birders which isn't to say somebody hasn't had one.
See Lewisham (garden) entry for Wed 10th, for example. Doesn't say if this is subsong...
I heard a bird just like that this morning in Ripollet (near Barcelona, Spain) but I couldn't see it. I'm 90% sure this is a Blackcap.
Certainly Blackcap for me, either proper subsong or so-called 'plastic song', as there are some more crystallised typical louder elements thrown in.
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