I have been running around trying to equip myself with an appropriate tripod and head for my Scope. With the current worldwide circumstances, supply has been affected and I have had my work cut out for me. I managed to get a hold of a Manfrotto 055 Aluminum Tripod, that came with a xpro ball head (MK055P3BH2 ) - the kit that included the MVH500AH was out of stock everywhere in my area. I really wanted the 500AH, easier access of plates and easier warranty, so I tried one that was sold seperately, but for some reason, I could not get it to work with the tripod. Even the vendor tried it only to fail. There just seemed to be something missing in between the head and the tripod. The horizontal panning just wouldn't work left to right - only in one direction, otherwise it would unlock the head.
So I purchased a Sirui Vh-10x head. That worked. I really liked the overall feel and how it was not a struggle to pan the scope. The counterbalance was on point, the fluidity excellent, a 3/8 screw goes right into my scope and the best part: no creeping. The scope holds firmly in place unlike my trials on the 128, the vortex pro gt and some vanguard kit. I even tested the whole thing outside in 50km winds on unstable ground: it was secure and stable for the conditions.
The only thing I could not get/find were spare plates. I can't find the bp-90 plates anywhere. The sirui website says I can order from them (if they are even in stock?!), but I am in Canada, and it will end up costing me a fortune to have a small piece of metal shipped. I found something on ebay too, but no way am I spending 40$ on shipping from a store I have no idea is legit or not. I tried to find information throughout the forum on compatible plates, as well as online, but I can't seem to find a concrete answer.
I am wondering if there are different brand plates, or some method of removing the top clamp and replacing it with something that would allow me to have multiple plates. I want to be able to switch from my scope, to my camera, in seconds if need be. I really cannot be carrying around two tripods or two heads. The sirui head has been around for quite some time now and I am hoping someone has tested plate alternatives. I looked into RRS and kirks, but I am not sure I understand how it works nor how to find the appropriate product for my Sirui vh-10x.
Thanks for you help!
I have been running around trying to equip myself with an appropriate tripod and head for my Scope. With the current worldwide circumstances, supply has been affected and I have had my work cut out for me. I managed to get a hold of a Manfrotto 055 Aluminum Tripod, that came with a xpro ball head (MK055P3BH2 ) - the kit that included the MVH500AH was out of stock everywhere in my area. I really wanted the 500AH, easier access of plates and easier warranty, so I tried one that was sold seperately, but for some reason, I could not get it to work with the tripod. Even the vendor tried it only to fail. There just seemed to be something missing in between the head and the tripod. The horizontal panning just wouldn't work left to right - only in one direction, otherwise it would unlock the head.
So I purchased a Sirui Vh-10x head. That worked. I really liked the overall feel and how it was not a struggle to pan the scope. The counterbalance was on point, the fluidity excellent, a 3/8 screw goes right into my scope and the best part: no creeping. The scope holds firmly in place unlike my trials on the 128, the vortex pro gt and some vanguard kit. I even tested the whole thing outside in 50km winds on unstable ground: it was secure and stable for the conditions.
The only thing I could not get/find were spare plates. I can't find the bp-90 plates anywhere. The sirui website says I can order from them (if they are even in stock?!), but I am in Canada, and it will end up costing me a fortune to have a small piece of metal shipped. I found something on ebay too, but no way am I spending 40$ on shipping from a store I have no idea is legit or not. I tried to find information throughout the forum on compatible plates, as well as online, but I can't seem to find a concrete answer.
I am wondering if there are different brand plates, or some method of removing the top clamp and replacing it with something that would allow me to have multiple plates. I want to be able to switch from my scope, to my camera, in seconds if need be. I really cannot be carrying around two tripods or two heads. The sirui head has been around for quite some time now and I am hoping someone has tested plate alternatives. I looked into RRS and kirks, but I am not sure I understand how it works nor how to find the appropriate product for my Sirui vh-10x.
Thanks for you help!