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Sorrento area - April 2022 (3 Viewers)


Well-known member
Found a few useful posts on Birdforum prior to our visit to Sorrento this week - thanks to those who shared info. Hope these notes may be of use to others in the future.

No idea what I might expect to see in the area in April, so I compiled a list of possibles from posts here and Naturetrek reports. I've attached that list. The Naturetrek reports are here:

eBird has a Campania hotspots list, some of which are on the Sorrento peninsula and in the area around Pompeii/Ercolano/Vesuvius

I saw just short of 60 species during a family holiday where birding opportunities were limited. In particular, a couple of the walks would have yielded more species if taken at a more leisurely pace. Likewise a more experienced birder would undoubtedly have picked up more species on call/song.

This walk to Punta Campanella is easily accessed from the Sorrento - Termini bus. Two versions - out and back via a well-maintained path, or a circular version with a longer climb on rougher track on the way back, then dropping down into Termini.
Sardinian Warbler constantly calling on the rockier countryside sections of this route. A single Red-Rumped Swallow was amongst the Barn Swallow in Termini. Alpine Swift overhead with Common Swift.

This walk from Sant Agata to Massa was very productive, and again easy to access both start and finish points on the local buses. Mostly downhill.
Calling and drumming Lesser Spotted Woodpecker within minutes of leaving Sant Agata, Collared/Pied/Spotted Flycatcher within 100m of each other etc.

The Sirenuse Trail circular walk from Sant Agata takes in a wide variety of habitat. A couple of steep but fairly short climbs.

As others have said, don't expect to see anything on the coast. Yellow-Legged Gull were constant, but one Med Gull and one Cormorant were the only others.

Other highlights - Blue Rock Thrush (pair) from the balcony of our central Sorrento hotel. Hoopoe in the garden of a Roman house at Pompeii. Huge numbers (2000+) of Common Swift feeding on a fresh insect hatch on the northern slopes of Vesuvius. Alpine Swift overhead at Ercolano.

Surrounded by Serin all week. Italian Sparrow widespread.


  • sorrento_april_possible_birds.txt
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14/06/22 Kestrel briefly hovered 20m above pool of Hotel Jaccarino, Sant’Agata whilst Swallows mobbed around it & others momentarily dipped beaks & drank from crests of mini wave/ripples below it ~ 18:00hrs all within context of screaming flock of circa 30 Swift’s manoeuvreing in the general vicinity.
15/06/22 Pair of Hoopoes seen approx 500m West of the Sorrentine peninsula Sant’Agata’s Hotel Jaccarino’s uphill exit (Southern exit) along narrow contour path in small sunlit clearing atop a small compost heap adjacent to the footpath.
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