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South Georgia (1 Viewer)

Richard Klim

Burton & Croxall 2012. A Field Guide to the Wildlife of South Georgia. WILDGuides / Princeton University Press.

Just received my copy of this photographic guide to the birds, mammals, invertebrates and plants of South Georgia. Too late for me to test in the field, but a welcome souvenir of this spectacular island!

All proceeds from the sale of the book will support South Georgia conservation through the activities of the South Georgia Heritage Trust.

Thanks Richard, I may never get there, but it's always nice to have dreams. Just ordered it.

Got the book today, and I'm delighted. Need to study it soon. I had no idea one of the large penguin species is breeding off mainland Antarctica.

The only thing I'm missing in the book is a decent map. There is only a minute illustration showing the relationship of the three major groups of islands to each other. As an absolute minimum, that illustration should have been given a full spread of a double page, with correspondingly more details. I hope there will be such a success with this book that they might be reprinting it with a map. Or they could insert a map like in some travel guides. Need to see whether I find something that would fit for me.
Got the book today, and I'm delighted...
The only thing I'm missing in the book is a decent map...
I'm glad you're pleased with it, Robert.

Almost coincidentally, WildGuides/Princeton University Press has just published a new edition of the visitor's guide by Sally Poncet and Kim Crosbie (I purchased the first edition at the museum in Grytviken):
This lavishly illustrated guide contains a wealth of information about the history, geography and wildlife of South Georgia (including detailed maps), and is an excellent complement to the field guide.
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....Almost coincidentally, WildGuides/Princeton University Press has just published a new edition of the visitor's guide by Sally Poncet and Kim Crosbie .........

Thanks Richard. I saw this listed when I searched for the other book. Rather curious that there are now two guides for this remote area. And Princeton U Press is involved with both of them.

Anyway, for the moment I am happy with the one I have. Managed to find some useful maps on the internet that I printed out and added to the book. Still would like one that shows the extension of the glaciers. Google Earth, for once, was of no help. Just a white blob, basically. :-C

Now for an affordable way to get to see this fascinating place!
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Reclaiming South Georgia

Tony Martin & Team Rat. Reclaiming South Georgia: The defeat of furry invaders on a sub-Antarctic island. SGHT.

SGHT, 24 Nov 2015...
Reclaiming South Georgia

PHASE 4: 2015 – 2017

With the help of supporters from around the world, SGHT and FOSGI have already achieved the unthinkable, raising the £6.5 million needed to bait over 1,000km2 of rodent-infested land on South Georgia, in their quest to return the island to the seabird sanctuary it was when Captain Cook discovered it in 1775.

Already the South Georgia pipit, whose very existence was threatened while rats were present on the island, is making a comeback following the baiting work. South Georgia pintail ducklings are successfully fledging in Cumberland Bay for the first time in living memory and Wilson’s storm petrels are being seen in greater numbers. But this is just the beginning.

This book has been created to raise funds for Phase 4 - the crucial monitoring phase of the project. It tells the story, in word and image, of the SGHT Habitat Restoration Project baiting work that has taken place on South Georgia in three phases (in 2011, 2013 and 2015). The project will continue until we can confirm that each and every rodent has been removed, and we can declare success.

We need to raise a minimum of £800,000 or US $1.2 million to be able to complete this project that so many of you have supported. Please help us to cross the finish line and declare South Georgia rodent-free. Thank you!
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This may sound an odd question but is Agrotis ipsilon, a species of moth, included in the account?
OK, thanks. Perhaps they didn't treat adventives. I was just curious as I co-authored a paper on it with the late Nigel Bonner.
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