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Thailand November 2022 (2 Viewers)

I realized I also have Brazil's East Asia book and there it's shown that Dark-sided differs from Asian Brown by long primary projection (I hope I am using the right term, it's how much the folded primaries stick out behind the secondaries, not how far along the tail they end) - and thought that our bird has it, but then we looked up many pictures online and Dark-sided has it even longer and the drawings are a tiny bit misleading in this aspect (or other subspecies not relevant for Thailand maybe?), so after a long fight, we give up and concede Asian Brown.

Hainan vs. Blue-and-white I literally don't know! I looked at many pictures of both, it seems the impression really depends on angle, fluffing of feathers ... I am really uncertain. Either one is a new species at least, never saw anything like that.

I put your tern IDs to the observations (you know you could do that yourself :) - they make a lot of sense, I don't know why I was so reluctant to put them in the first place. What do you think about this one though - Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) ?

At the moment, this sums up to 188 species - exactly the same number as Malaysia in 2018 and a rather typical result for us "lazy birders" in a medium-sized trip. 53 lifers.
For me, this Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) is Common Tern - but I see far more experienced birders commenting and looking at this thread occasionally!

I thought that I did see a Dark-sided in amongst the pics as an unidentified flycatcher but I wanted to look at it again. I will do so when I have made more progress on my own pics. I have totally finished four days of twelve of mine so far... A few remaining headaches there before mammals, reptiles, butterflies, moths, etc..

This is it Muscicapa Flycatchers (Genus Muscicapa) Dark-sided Flycatcher for me.

But quickly on this weaver... Weavers and Allies (Family Ploceidae) I believe that we have three species in play. I would say Baya Weaver on this. That is the same as the first three pics - triangular bill without a clear pronounced difference between lower & upper mandibles; the next pic is Asian Golden Weaver with a more pronounced head pattern & difference in the bill being stronger with a pinker lower mandible; and the final pic is Streaked Weaver - with a bunting-like head pattern. We found Baya commonest, Asian Golden second commonest but without very large flocks & Streaked Weaver the rarest of the three.

I will work out how to comment in inaturalist!

All the best



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    345 Baya Weaver 053.jpg
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