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travel safety in and around Guayaquil (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
A U.S. State Dept travel advisory warns against travel in certain areas around and south of Guayaquil and compares Ecuador's overall travel safety to that which has existed in northern Mexico (including Sinaloa and Tamaulipas) for some time. We had been planning a trip that includes Reserva Buenaventura and the Santa Elena Peninsula. Can anyone in this forum address the safety concerns associated with such travel at this time?
I was there in 2019 so before Covid. According to news reports, the disease took a real big toll in Guayaquil (leading to social unrest), and at the same time, gang activities have increased. To what extent this will influence a random traveler I do not know.

If it was me, I would probably take the chance with landing in Guayaquil and staying at the closest hotel (I think we stayed at the holiday inn) and then next morning drive relatively directly to the lodge. Then on the way back, if the locals tell you it is safe, utilize some of the on route options.
I was not in Guayaquil but very recently in Ecuador and talked a bit with locals about the Southern trip.
They said there are no issues driving in the area. It is similiar to the northern part. Maybe dont drive at night during the city but i felt a lot of the info about unsafe travelling in Ecuador in General was very exaggerated.
I was not in Guayaquil but very recently in Ecuador and talked a bit with locals about the Southern trip.
They said there are no issues driving in the area. It is similiar to the northern part. Maybe dont drive at night during the city but i felt a lot of the info about unsafe travelling in Ecuador in General was very exaggerated.
Thanks for responding. I don't begrudge our State Department it's cautious guidance. But it does help when others add context and perspective
Yes, German Ministry of foreign affairs usually puts in everything which might be happening as well. I didnt feel unsafe at any occasion in our Ecuador holiday.
I just returned from a tour of NW Ecuador. Sadly, the political unrest in Guayas had spread to Esmeraldas, and the tour company decided not to risk it and cancelled our five days near the coast and at Playa de Oro. Fortunately, we were able to substitute Canande for three days plus 2 days in the Andes. Not quite the tour as planned, but still very good. This particular tour had not run since 2014 and for similar reasons—tension around the border with Colombia (then of course COVID).
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