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Tucklesholme Nature Reserve (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
Just off the A38 South of Burton on Trent, near Barton under Needwood for those not familiar with the location. SWT page here.

There are paths on either side of the lake, but no circular walk, so it's a bit of an out & back stroll on well made paths. A nice first vist Kestrel, Tufted duck, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Wagtail, and a large flock of House Martins, my first of the year.

The website does indicate that dogs should be on a lead. The car park sign says "preferably on a lead", so obviously the four dogs I saw were all off the lead and roaming wherever which will be hugely disruptive in the breeding season. It's currently lightly used so unfortunately people aren't picking up after their pets.

Other than that grumble I really enjoyed it and it'll be interesting to see how the Reserve develops over the year.
Good luck with your visits, interesting sightings- shame that these type of open spaces are seen by others as a convenience for dogs.

Been watching the site for at least four years, sadly now the the trust have their hands on it, it is a very poor site for disturbance, like anywhere that is public. I've been doing the duck counts for sometime and the numbers have plummeted and breeding birds like LRP, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and Redshank are no more seemingly only passage. Any LRPs will that do attempt will be destroyed by dog walkers that are clearly not adhering to onsite information, which is pretty poor I have to say,

The northern pit was by far the best in the early days, now sadly devoid of birds

Just off the A38 South of Burton on Trent, near Barton under Needwood for those not familiar with the location. SWT page here.

There are paths on either side of the lake, but no circular walk, so it's a bit of an out & back stroll on well made paths. A nice first vist Kestrel, Tufted duck, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Wagtail, and a large flock of House Martins, my first of the year.

The website does indicate that dogs should be on a lead. The car park sign says "preferably on a lead", so obviously the four dogs I saw were all off the lead and roaming wherever which will be hugely disruptive in the breeding season. It's currently lightly used so unfortunately people aren't picking up after their pets.

Other than that grumble I really enjoyed it and it'll be interesting to see how the Reserve develops over the year.
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