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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Upgrade to mid-range price binoculars (1 Viewer)

It is true that Opticron have a good customer service... but... since Brexit I'm afraid to say that their service from the EU is at least slower than it used to be, especially if something is to be sent back (and has to go through customs, fees, etc.). I recently had to purchase a new set of eyecups for my Traveller 8x32 (which I love) and it was quite pricy (because of the Pound/Euro exchange, and then there is the issue with shipping. In my case, the eyecups were 24 GBP (around 28 Eur), but the shipping from the UK to Spain was another 12 GBP ( around 14 Eur), and then there's import fees. So this is not to discourage you, but the simple and ugly truth is that it will be more difficult/expensive to get your binoculars fixed or get new parts from a brand in the UK than from a brand within the EU (like Zeiss, Swarovski or Meopta). Just something to think about. Needless to say, I have nothing against Opticron, I've been amazed by my MM3ED 60 and simply love my Traveller 8x32 to bits, but I am also aware about some nuisances that might arise from the fact that it is no longer an EU brand.

Comparing the Conquest HD 8x32 and my Swarovski 8x32 ELSV I really thought the Conquest HD were a terrific value, and that if you use them you hardly miss anything, they are that good. I also had the Conquest HD in 8x42, but I prefer the 8x32 by far. As for value, I'd say that probably a 2nd hand Meopta (which can be had for something like 400 - 500 € with a bit of luck and patience) is a really unbeatable proposition, as long as you don't mind the weight of their 42 mm series, which is basically their only weak point.
I’ve picked up spare Opticron eye covers and tripod adapters from Amazon, not sure if they are cheaper than buying from the UK.

It is true that Opticron have a good customer service... but... since Brexit I'm afraid to say that their service from the EU is at least slower than it used to be,
That is a very good point.
I really thought the Conquest HD were a terrific value
I think I am now convinced of the Conquest's. :LOL:
But it's important to look at other options, given the chance I'll take it...

Edit: I will check the Meopta
Some second hand conquests have just come into the classifieds.
They are 8x32 which are the best of the conquests, and as for evening, dawn viewing, its only minutes of difference between these and the 8x42's.
These are a great buy.
Hi there,

I'm looking to upgrade my current binoculars. Nowadays, birdwatching is not just a hobby, it is also part of my job.
I have a pair of Solognac Serie 900 10x42. Or 500, I don't even know for sure, the information is worn out... They are 4 or 5 years old and I use them almost every day. No need to say that their optics are not good.

I like compact, lightweight binoculars with an acceptable field of view, but above all with good build quality. My use can be very intensive (5-8 hours a day sometimes) and tough (jumping fences, going through wires and branches).
So far I have narrowed my options down to the following:
  • Nikon Monarch M7 10x42;
  • GPO Passion ED 10x42;
  • Kowa BD II 10x42 XD.

I'm in Portugal and don't have many options to try out myself, so I rely mainly on reviews. There is a lot of information about binoculars out there, but I have some specific questions where I need help:
  1. Nikon build quality. I have read some reviews saying that the rubber/leatherette armour is very poor and disintegrates over time. As I said, my use is intense, I don't want to spend money on some binoculars that will "fall apart".
  2. Kowa chromatic aberration. I know, considering my current binoculars, any of these will be an upgrade. But many people say that these have some problems with CA. Is this a real problem? Or is it just an issue when compared to some top of the range binoculars?
I do not have any specific questions about the GPO, but they are heavier and have a narrower field of view compared to the Kowa and the Nikon.

I'm in the mid-range (around 450-600€) because I need a "beater"... But I can consider some Zeiss Conquest HD, for example, or even some Nikon HG (if I find any promotions).
The Conquest are probably the best choice. But I have to say, even if this is very subjective, I think they are ugly. It's the shape of the barrels and the eye cups, I honestly can't explain it...
There are some other binoculars from other brands, such as DDoptics and Kite, but I cannot find enough information about them.

Can I have your opinion?
Thank you very much.
The Kowas are built better than the Nikons . I never notice any ca issues with them , just some distortion on the edge because of the extreme afov . The Kowas have not ,and probably will not , have exterior armor that gets black and sticky after prolonged use .
I second the Opticron. I have the 8x42 VHD+ monocular, and that now goes everywhere with me. Amazing view. If I win the lottery or have a good bit of luck on the horses I’ll get a set of Aurora bins myself.
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