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? Warbler New Jersey, USA (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
Had a mixed flock including the usually Chickadees, Titmice, Downey Woodpecker as well as a few Pine Warblers, a Black and White Wabler and a Black-throated Green. Wasn't sure about this one. Its the only shot I got of him/her.
Sussex County, New Jersey USA, August 27.


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Tough one (for me anyway). I'm thinking Pine, but the bill might be a bit thin for that.
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Tough one (for me anyway). I'm thinking Pine, but the bill might be a bit thin for that.
My thoughts exactly. Which means it could be Blackpoll Warbler. It is definitely on the early side but in the window of arrival with some recent scattered reports from the region.
My thoughts exactly. Which means it could be Blackpoll Warbler. It is definitely on the early side but in the window of arrival with some recent scattered reports from the region.
Did you notice it was taken on August 27? Blackpoll isn't impossible then, but it would be pretty early. Some other points I think indicate away from Blackpoll: faint facial pattern with no hint of an eyeline, dark cheek, no hint of underparts streaking, entirely black legs (which isn't diagnostic, I know). Bay-breasted is an option, but to me everything looks good for Pine except the bill.
Did you notice it was taken on August 27? Blackpoll isn't impossible then, but it would be pretty early. Some other points I think indicate away from Blackpoll: faint facial pattern with no hint of an eyeline, dark cheek, no hint of underparts streaking, entirely black legs (which isn't diagnostic, I know). Bay-breasted is an option, but to me everything looks good for Pine except the bill.
I did not realize that. In that case I retract my comment, other than I can’t rule out Blackpoll visually. I also thought Pine but the bill is hard to reconcile.
maybe I'm losing my marbles but why isn't this a house wren at an odd angle?
I'll help you with your marbles, because that was my very first thought as well - well, some wren or other - and house wren is the only good candidate. But the supercilium seems too strong? - and the lower part of the face-pattern wrong - or maybe that's just misplaced feathers? But the bill (even though an awkward angle) does indeed look downcurved...
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