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Warham Green (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Has anyone been to Warham Green, near Wells?
Was thinking of going out there sometime to see if I could get good views of hen harriers as well as that pallid harrier which again rocked up there (plus perhaps the eagles which live there). Any advice?
I also had this longstanding wish of seeing merlin and perhaps taking a photo, but at my local site near Kings Lynn, all I see most often is a silhouette moving at high speed across the sky when the sun is setting. Is Warham Green good for them, as well?
Has anyone been to Warham Green, near Wells?
Was thinking of going out there sometime to see if I could get good views of hen harriers as well as that pallid harrier which again rocked up there (plus perhaps the eagles which live there). Any advice?
I also had this longstanding wish of seeing merlin and perhaps taking a photo, but at my local site near Kings Lynn, all I see most often is a silhouette moving at high speed across the sky when the sun is setting. Is Warham Green good for them, as well?
It's a reasonable winter roosting site for harriers. You may be lucky enough to glimpse a Merlin rocketing over the saltmarsh or even perched on lookout but they are not numerous. I'm guessing Roydon Common is your nearby site, if not, might be a place to visit.
It's a reasonable winter roosting site for harriers. You may be lucky enough to glimpse a Merlin rocketing over the saltmarsh or even perched on lookout but they are not numerous. I'm guessing Roydon Common is your nearby site, if not, might be a place to visit.
Excellent to know. Where are the eagles usually seen?
Yes, Roydon Common is my 'local' site ever since I stopped visiting Wicken Fen. Merlins are a nightmare there, I have never seen them perch, and harriers are typically distant too
Mmm, not sure how many sea eagles you think maybe wandering or resident around the North Norfolk coast. They abandoned the reintroduction scheme at Wild Ken Hill near Heacham........but one or two young birds from the I.O.W. scheme wintered but could be quite wide ranging. Regular sightings came from the Holkham area for a while due to the large number of wintering geese and wildfowl roosting and feeding locally. Your best bet might be to use one of the bird information services or chat groups for recent reports.
If you think the Hen Harriers at Wicken Fen are distant, wait til you get to Warham Greens.
I meant Roydon Common!
My friend, at Wicken Fen I nearly had a heart attack in 2019 and some other birdwatchers gasped as well when this male hen harrier came speeding through a carr to the left of the visitor center and arced through the sky not 10-20m from me, plummeting into the reeds right near those tables!
Mmm, not sure how many sea eagles you think maybe wandering or resident around the North Norfolk coast. They abandoned the reintroduction scheme at Wild Ken Hill near Heacham........but one or two young birds from the I.O.W. scheme wintered but could be quite wide ranging. Regular sightings came from the Holkham area for a while due to the large number of wintering geese and wildfowl roosting and feeding locally. Your best bet might be to use one of the bird information services or chat groups for recent reports.
I thought there were 3 wintering there? Not a big deal anyway, my biggest wish now is the merlin, mostly due to an incredible eagle sighting in 2018
I thought there were 3 wintering there? Not a big deal anyway, my biggest wish now is the merlin, mostly due to an incredible eagle sighting in 2018
Local birders have had good photographic opportunities at both Cley Marshes and Blakeney Freshes recently.
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