I emailed Kowa and they responded the same day, which is marvelous customer support. They wrote “The model you have is the TS-8. It is a 50mm compact scope that was produced from 1979 – 1984.” They also confirmed that no current accessories work with it, so maybe I can find some vintage eye-pieces for it. Thanks everyone for all the input!
That looks a lot like the generation of my spotting scope, vintage, newly acquired.
I unscrewed my Eyepiece which, to me optically is excellent, however there was a slight must smell.
After detaching said EP it was cong from the interior cavity which holds the prism. I'll make a new post/thread discussing this vintage Kowa, which is in beautiful shape imho.
What I concern about is if said musty smell could or would develop any further.
I purchased mine on ebay from a seller communication was great in happy.
What I noticed is that most selling claims that the scopes have no fungal growth?! Or balsam, I think that is the glue gasket grease? Leakage onto the actual lenses.
Thus my concern about said smell.
Being in Japan as much as it is portrayed as immaculate and it is... What you don't become aware of is the humidity it is tropical!!!!
Just a thought or two
Here is my example I'm still trying to figure out what mine is and need to get the numbers off of the undercarriage focus knob. Other than the red ring which indicates some kind of difference of optics compared to a green ring? I think..... And the standard riveted Kowa logo there are no other ID'ing features.
Of course the EP is 25x for the 1 and 2 series and I think 20x for the 3 series scopes.