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Yellow-bellied Flycatcher in Toronto? (1 Viewer)

Michal B

Well-known member
Saw (and heard) a number of Least Flycatchers today. I was able to get a only couple of photos as they flitted between trees. One of those shows a bird with a yellowish wash over much of its throat and belly. Enough to ID it as a yellow-bellied flycatcher?


  • Flycatcher.jpg
    135.8 KB · Views: 22
  • Least flycatcher 1.JPG
    6.9 MB · Views: 13
Saw (and heard) a number of Least Flycatchers today. I was able to get an only couple of photos as they flitted between trees. One of those shows a bird with a yellowish wash over much of its throat and belly. Enough to ID it as a yellow-bellied flycatcher?
Yellow throat = Yellow-bellied. Hard for me to be sure of the yellow throat in this photo but it does seem like it’s a Yellow-bellied.
The throat looks far too white for me. Yellow-bellied Flycatchers in the autumn should show little to no contrast between the throat and the belly, unlike the bird in these photos.
I think they are both Least, photo #2 for sure. I don't see any yellow on the actual throat, and #2 has grayer/browner upperparts than I would expect for a Yellow-bellied.
I had reservations about the ID as Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. I didn't notice the yellow wash until I looked at the photo and at the time I heard nothing other than the Least Flycatchers. I did try increasing the colour saturation of the image and can now see the lack of yellow in the throat. But it was different enough from the Least Flycatcher (#2), that I had to ask. Thanks for the expert input.

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