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Yellow Warbler or Goldfinch? Hudson Valley, NY (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
Two for the price of one. I was following that indigo bunting from tree to tree, trying to get a good shot of it, at the top of Popolopen Torne in Rockland County, NY. For a brief moment it settled into a tree next to the yellow bird in the photo. I was focusing on the bunting, so the yellow bird is a little blurry. My apologies for this. It wasn't until I got home to look at the photos that I realized I couldn't identify the yellow bird. Could it be a yellow warbler or a female goldfinch? Thanks for your thoughts.


  • Pair_3168.jpg
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  • Pair_3178.jpg
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It's one of the yellowish warblers. I'm thinking Prairie Warbler (distinctive "bags-under-eyes" face mark, very yellow throat, dull cap, chestnut mantle, streaked flanks, and it's in range)
Thank you, everyone. Now that you've suggested it, I agree that it's a prairie warbler. My first photo of one, actually.
Look carefully at the bill shape of the yellow bird. Should put you solidly into the warbler camp and away from Goldfinch.
Thanks, Scott98.
I often print out photos I've taken and then make frames for them. I hadn't really considered the quality of the two photos, I was just hoping to get an ID. But now that you've mentioned it, I do kinda like that 2nd photo. I may go ahead and frame it now.
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