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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Zeiss Dialyt 18-45x60 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
So difficult to find a Zeiss dealer in the Uk with one of these in stock that you could try before buying. After exhausting all photo/camera shops within 100 miles, no luck with TryZeiss.com, surprisingly found help from a local gun shop who have several scopes for me to try including the Zeiss At good prices. Never though I‘d have to frequent a gun shop !!
So difficult to find a Zeiss dealer in the Uk with one of these in stock that you could try before buying. After exhausting all photo/camera shops within 100 miles, no luck with TryZeiss.com, surprisingly found help from a local gun shop who have several scopes for me to try including the Zeiss At good prices. Never though I‘d have to frequent a gun shop !!
The glass was designed for hunters I believe, small and rugged getting priority over absolute optical performance, so not phase corrected.
It is a really solid option for traveling birders imho, but does not get much advertising support from Zeiss.
The glass was designed for hunters I believe, small and rugged getting priority over absolute optical performance, so not phase corrected.
It is a really solid option for traveling birders imho, but does not get much advertising support from Zeiss.
It only appears on the Zeiss website under the hunting option which I think is rather sad. There’s not many of us who can afford a Harpia or a Gavia, and is it worth an £1200 to £2000 for ED or fluoride glass. From the reports I’ve read the Dialyt performs stunningly and you are hard pushed to spot any differences.
It only appears on the Zeiss website under the hunting option which I think is rather sad. There’s not many of us who can afford a Harpia or a Gavia, and is it worth an £1200 to £2000 for ED or fluoride glass. From the reports I’ve read the Dialyt performs stunningly and you are hard pushed to spot any differences.
Easy to spot the difference..... CA.....CA,amongst other differences .
On the WEB-site of House of Outdoor I published a test of "Reis en rugzak telescopen" (2016) and one of the investigated telesopes was the Zeiss Dialyt. As far as I know it is also available under the name of Hensoldt , but that is essentially Zeiss. The Zeiss Dialyt was one of the most attractive telescopes for different reasons: optical quality, high user comfort especially for use on safaris, because of the focussing by turning the obective and fairly compact.
The new Swarovski CTC telesope is probably a very good competitor for the Dialyt.
Gijs van Ginkel
The Dialyt has arrived !! I’m picking it up Thursday I hope. Then, if the rain stays away, I will have a play and report back.
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