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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Texas Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger limitis: Sciuridae) Photographed at Central Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA. Post Oak Savannah Vegetational Area. Adjacent to two man-made ponds in a disturbed post oak/juniper/yaupon woods at ca. 250 ft elevation.
Post Oak Savannah Vegetational Area. Adjacent to two man-made ponds in a disturbed post oak/juniper/yaupon woods at ca. 250 ft elevation.
Central Park, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA.
Date taken
June 2013
Scientific name
Sciurus niger subsp. limitis
Equipment used
Canon EOS 7D with a Canon EF 300mm, f/4L IS USM lens, ISO 320, shutter speed 1/800, f/4.
A wonderful image of this gorgeous little chap looking bright eyed and bushy tailed Stanley. Three superb posts !!! Thanks for sharing.
LOL! I don't believe I have ever seen a squirrel in this position before. This is hilarious and well captured Stanley.
Opus Editor
Three marvelous posts, Stanley ... wonderful sharing ... thnx ...
If I were a Lilliput I would have rightly hopped onto this chap for a wee ride!!! The pleasure of seeing this shot....immense!!!! Three gems today Stanley!!!!!

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Wild Mammals
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Stanley Jones
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