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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Plain Prinia?
I am not sure. Uploaded this on the ID forum twice. Got only one response who thought this to be Tawny-flanked Prinia, which is not found in this region. Can any one help?
Hubli, India
Date taken
Scientific name
Prinia inornata
Equipment used
fujifilm finepix HS 50 EXR, handheld, cropped
I think you' re right, SK. A superb capture of this graceful little bird !
It looks a prickly customer whatever it is SK...Well captured mate.
Staff member
Opus Editor
Gosh!! Prinias must be pretty tricky if you've had so little response to your ID threads... wonder if it's an idea to combine them... then give them a 'bump'? I can do the first if you want to do the bump SK.

Meanwhile this really is a super picture - a great pose in a thorny setting LOL.

Nice work here my friend.
No way could I help with the identity, but it is a super shot SK, love the pose.
I'm really amazed that there was little response to your I D query in the I D section. Must be a tricky bird but it sure is a lovely image S K!

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Asia, Australia & Pacific Islands
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S K Gudi
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