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Amazing Peregrine Video (1 Viewer)

Interesting that this young male was hatched in this very nest box only two years ago. I am presuming it is currently a different female than his mother. Anyone know?
The diary on the website is a bit out of date now - the peregrine with the green ring is actually number 34 (we didn't know this number had been used until this morning so assumed it was 14).

I'll add an update to the diary when I can but we were contacted by the Sussex Peregrine Study to let us know that they gave green 34 to a male peregrine that had been taken to the RSPCA with injuries thought to have been inflicted by another bird in February.

It looks like the bird (34) was actually the male who has been at Sussex Heights for several years and raised several chicks and disappeared. So it looks like he tried to return to his old nest site after being released but was attacked.
The diary on the website is a bit out of date now - the peregrine with the green ring is actually number 34 (we didn't know this number had been used until this morning so assumed it was 14).

I'll add an update to the diary when I can but we were contacted by the Sussex Peregrine Study to let us know that they gave green 34 to a male peregrine that had been taken to the RSPCA with injuries thought to have been inflicted by another bird in February.

It looks like the bird (34) was actually the male who has been at Sussex Heights for several years and raised several chicks and disappeared. So it looks like he tried to return to his old nest site after being released but was attacked.

Are you saying that the male who tried to return was actually this female's partner last year?

It would be really useful to have some information on the identity of the birds in residence. Back in 2007 there was a feeling that the female had changed but I cannot see where that was confirmed.
Are you saying that the male who tried to return was actually this female's partner last year?

That's what it is looking like but we're still trying to piece everything together.

It would be really useful to have some information on the identity of the birds in residence. Back in 2007 there was a feeling that the female had changed but I cannot see where that was confirmed.

It was thought back in 2007 that the female had changed due to differences in appearance compared to footage we had in previous years. It isn’t easy to tell whether the female did change as up until this spring we’ve never had adults in the nest box who have had a ring.
Well I must say it was easier to watch knowing beforehand that there was a happy ending.

It amazes me that the male kept returning, he must have been aware of the risk. I would have thought that with the weaponry available to Peregrines, that sustained fighting like this would have been a rare occurrence. Or is this not the case?
Well I must say it was easier to watch knowing beforehand that there was a happy ending.

It amazes me that the male kept returning, he must have been aware of the risk. I would have thought that with the weaponry available to Peregrines, that sustained fighting like this would have been a rare occurrence. Or is this not the case?

Have you not seen the saga of Ma, Pa and S2 2007?
Just thought I'd try and avoid some confusion about ring 34 - when the injured peregrine came in to the RSPCA in February it was unringed but is believed to be the male from previous years.

To help identify the peregrine in future it was given a ring before release.
The diary on the website is a bit out of date now - the peregrine with the green ring is actually number 34 (we didn't know this number had been used until this morning so assumed it was 14).

I'll add an update to the diary when I can but we were contacted by the Sussex Peregrine Study to let us know that they gave green 34 to a male peregrine that had been taken to the RSPCA with injuries thought to have been inflicted by another bird in February.

It looks like the bird (34) was actually the male who has been at Sussex Heights for several years and raised several chicks and disappeared. So it looks like he tried to return to his old nest site after being released but was attacked.

That's what it is looking like but we're still trying to piece everything together.

It was thought back in 2007 that the female had changed due to differences in appearance compared to footage we had in previous years. It isn’t easy to tell whether the female did change as up until this spring we’ve never had adults in the nest box who have had a ring.

This is getting more and more interesting and I look forward to more postings from you Andy. Thanks.

I am watching another site not too far away and reporting in this thread which you may find interesting; can't name the location though:


All sorted out now. What a way to welcome your ex-husband. See http://www.regencybrighton.com/birds/

Indeed - but it would also go some way to explaining why the male seemed so determined to stay at the nest box. If he's spent the last few years there he probably wasn't willing to give it up very easily.

We haven't seen any more disputes so far, both peregrines have been coming into the box occasionally but we are still hoping for some eggs soon...
Indeed - but it would also go some way to explaining why the male seemed so determined to stay at the nest box. If he's spent the last few years there he probably wasn't willing to give it up very easily.

We haven't seen any more disputes so far, both peregrines have been coming into the box occasionally but we are still hoping for some eggs soon...

Is it possible that the female is new??
OK, I watched the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x1Ak-SnLew, I also read a summary of what happened at http://home.planet.nl. It really was an amazing thing to watch, and read about.

But I'm now going show how little I know about Peregrines, why didn't S2 eat the chicks?

Strangely I do not think anyone has asked that question until now. It certainly would have been the best strategy for her as she seemed intent on getting Pa at all costs.

I do not think people expected her to eat the chicks for some reason.

It was an incredibly gripping ten days when every mealtime was intently watched.
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