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Owl Houses (1 Viewer)


New member
We are thinking about building an owl house. We live near Caesar Creek lake surrounded by farm land, woods and overgrown fields. We were planning on building a barn own box but have read that they are endangered in Ohio. Should we build an owl house for barn owls or another type of owl? I am assuming that they don't feed much on songbirds.
SWOhio, I live in Dayton and know where Ceasers Creek is! i wonder if you will actually come back to this forum since its so slow and you never got any responses.
As to your question, on the one hand Barn Owls need all the help they can get so why not give it a shot. On the other if you have Great Horned Owls around (and you probably do) drawing in a Barn Owl could be putting it in danger as GHOs are a threat to BOs.
Not sure what the experts say on this issue. Perhaps more googling would get you some opinions.
Sounds like you have a nice place, lucky you!
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