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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Wing Display

    Wing Display

    The end of April we decided to try the Balintore road again, this time from the southern end up to the blockage. We stopped for a peaceful lunch break in a layby looking over a field with some sheep. There were some Eurasian Oystercatchers pecking their way around, but this one decided on a...
  2. It's raining again!!!

    It's raining again!!!

    Poor wee Coal Tit - looks like he's being dripped on LOL This was taken at our Mause feeders. Today was lovely and sunny, though quite windy; and I was entertained by a farm hand driving his tractor round the field turning the cut grass (presumably for hay).... he was being trailed by loads of...
  3. Different characters

    Different characters

    I'm not talking to Jackdaws and Crows at the moment... they're attacking the feeders with all the force they can muster. Kept going up there to find every one of them completely empty and some of them thrown to the ground!! Normally the feed put out was enough for us to visit every 2 or three...
  4. Dare I try and get some?

    Dare I try and get some?

    "I just love peanut butter". I spotted a Robin creeping round the tree trunk, looking rather furtive LOL. I do smear some pnb on the tree trunk, so many of the birds seem to love it and it goes very quickly. Maybe I'll get a Pine Marten or badger there one day LOL. Saturday Fun
  5. Monochrome chestnut

    Monochrome chestnut

    We moved on to Lintrathen Loch and the star of the show for me there that day was a nice close Great Crested Grebe. I've seen them there many times (and at Loch of the Lowes too), but they always seemed to be right on the edge of too far for my previous cameras. This one came well within range...
  6. You have to take your chances sometimes!

    You have to take your chances sometimes!

    Gosh, seems this is the first Eurasian Wren image I've managed to add to my Gallery taken at Mause. I've heard them a lot, seen them occasionally, but they rarely come into view long enough for a picture. I'm always on the lookout for one though. I noticed a bit of movement in some scrub...
  7. Like ships passing in the night

    Like ships passing in the night

    One of many pictures I've taken when a species shows itself in the image that I didn't know was there!! I was taking the Mute Swan in flight but on preparing the image for posting here I spotted the Grey Heron in the background - at least I presume it's a heron, I can't see much detail...
  8. The Vandals have arrived!

    The Vandals have arrived!

    The Starlings emptied their nests during the week, first I saw of young ones was on Monday! They all descend on my garden, where the adults bring them as it's obviously easy to feed them here after I've put some feed out in the morning. Now it seems that they are all feeding independently...
  9. Sepia


    There were a few Mute Swan about that afternoon; didn't see any pairs though, so presumably the females were on nests. I rather like the colours in this image.
  10. The Chase is On

    The Chase is On

    Looks like the male Tufted Ducks are all chasing after the same female!! Taken on a recent visit to Kinnordy at the end of April. Saturday Fun
  11. A Happy Couple

    A Happy Couple

    Towards the end of April, saw us back at Kinnordy. Rather dull light that day, but I thought it made a rather nice image with these Mallards.
  12. Missed


    While we were watching the pretty Wheatears on the dry stone dyke behind the car, suddenly a Eurasian Sparrowhawk swooped over the bonnet and headed for the dyke. Remember I mentioned a big black hole a couple of weeks ago, well he landed right there, and spread his wings for a moment cowling...
  13. Just landed

    Just landed

    We had a couple of Yellowhammers around that afternoon, this one landed just as I was looking for something else, right in line with my camera LOL
  14. Turbine and Kestrel

    Turbine and Kestrel

    This Kestrel seems to be either getting cooled off or is trying to create a breeze to make the turbine blades move LOL Sorry it's a bit oof, but that turbine is about a mile away, don't really know how far the Kes is. One thing I'd been looking forward to with this camera was trying to take...
  15. Spectator


    In the grass beside the track where the Skylark was enjoying his bath, was a Yellowhammer, I'm sure he was wondering what was going on. It had been a while since I'd seen them on the patch, so that day was sure turning into a red letter day LOL I've a feeling they may be recovering from the...
  16. Dust bathing Round 4

    Dust bathing Round 4

    No, you didn't miss rounds 2 and 3, I've omitted them!! The Skylark kept up his dust bathing for ages, gradually getting closer to us. It really was so entertaining to watch. This picture is towards the end of his last go at it. Saturday Fun
  17. Invasion


    I could have given you a picture of a single Northern Wheatear, but this was the first time I'd managed to find 4 together on my patch; think they'd just arrived. We were certainly being treated that day, what with yesterday's Skylark too. Remember that big black hole in the dyke (wall)... it...
  18. Bliss


    We had a wonderful session on my Up the Hill patch a couple of weeks ago. Not just one but two pairs of Wheatears were just arrived and this Eurasian Skylark spent ages enjoying a dust bath! I really liked this pose I captured. Saturday Fun Sorry to be so late with this, as I was half way...
  19. Nuts are old hat!

    Nuts are old hat!

    This Great Spotted Woodpecker seems to prefer having fatballs on his diet today!! I think they must be nesting a bit away from the feeding station, as I've not seen either of them for a couple of weeks now. Unless, of course, they're coming when I'm not there.
  20. Hungry


    I don't often get pictures of Great Crested Grebe, at least not good ones, but this guy was a little closer than normal. He'd caught a huuuge fish and seemed to be having trouble swallowing it, but it disappeared eventually. Anyone able to ID it? Saturday Fun
  21. Maybe the last.....

    Maybe the last.....

    ..... picture of one for a bit. Don't think I've seen a Long-tailed Tit up at Mause since this one (did at the other feeders the other day). Actually thinking a bit harder, that's not quite true... had a fleeting glimpse of one, but before my hand had even reached the camera he was gone. But he...
  22. Shy


    What a thrill it was to see a Yellowhammer after such a long time; think it was way back in May last year since one had visited the Mause feeders. Didn't give much of a view though, did he LOL Saturday Fun
  23. View point

    View point

    Ken has an eye condition which makes it difficult to see some things. Anyway we were having our lunch up at my patch whe he said - "What's that... is it something?". I asked where he was looking. Don't know he said!! Very helpful. Anyway I gave him the camera to see if he could get a picture...
  24. Do you think he'll mind....

    Do you think he'll mind....

    ..... if I go and get some? At our Mause feeders, this cheeky Coal Tit, looked like he was sizing up the risk of being caught by the Chaffinch LOL. Saturday fun
  25. Favourite post

    Favourite post

    We came down from off the foggy ski slopes and decided on taking the 'long road' home; turning off at Cray towards Forter. As we climbed up the hill there we found a couple of Eurasian Oystercatchers on fence posts. Another passing car pushed them into the air but they landed on the other side...