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anas platyrhynchos

  1. Mallard Duck

    Mallard Duck

    More photos from my recent Euro trip. If I get the wrong ID, please correct me in the comments. I know very little about euro birds.
  2. A Happy Couple

    A Happy Couple

    Towards the end of April, saw us back at Kinnordy. Rather dull light that day, but I thought it made a rather nice image with these Mallards.
  3. Where's my Mum?

    Where's my Mum?

    A mallard duckling that was looking for its parent.
  4. Mallard


    Abundant and widespread across the northern hemisphere, this is a female with a newly hatched brood. Waterfowl chicks are precocial, covered with down feathers, eyes open and feeding themselves immediately after hatching. Most birds have altricial young, hatched blind, naked, totally helpless...
  5. Mallard


  6. Mallard


  7. Mallard in snow

    Mallard in snow

    They don't seem to mind the cold or the snow. Ice, however, can be a mobility issue for them. I got a silly little video of Wigeons and Crows skidding about on the ice when it got even colder and the river froze.
  8. Mallard on flooded grass

    Mallard on flooded grass

    Mallard Duck enjoying flooded grass
  9. Rather monotone

    Rather monotone

    The colour of the water didn't really strike me at the time, I just thought it was nice looking at the two Mallard swimming across the loch. End of November did seem rather early to be pairing up though LOL
  10. Team Mallard

    Team Mallard

    A team water landing. I like how they splash forwards and backwards.
  11. Common and neglected.....Mallard

    Common and neglected.....Mallard

    Autumn colours in a lake
  12. Mallard


    A Mallard couple dabbling in a nearby river. That's not snow or ice near the shore, that's foam whipped up by the swiftly running water.
  13. Mallard


  14. Still before breakfast

    Still before breakfast

    Also out for a wander was a female Mallard with her two ducklings. Still very young too.
  15. Wood_Duck_and_Mallard.jpg


    Male Wood Duck dating female Mallard (since no female Wood Ducks around anyway!)
  16. I´am walking ...

    I´am walking ...

    The almost transparent dot, not a dust spot, at the tip of its beak, is called "nail". https://www.bird.bot/post/duck-bill#:~:text=The%20nail%20is%20a%20small%20bump%20on%20the,or%20shape%20that%20can%20help%20identify%20the%20duck. In adult males is it black. Females show a dark grey nail.
  17. Ducklings


    A break from the rain this afternoon. The opposite weather of the months before now. Plenty of rain.
  18. Having a wander

    Having a wander

    I made the long journey down to stay with my brother and his wife in South Wales (we were going to my nephew's wedding in Sussex as part of my trip). Anyway, close beside my brother's house is the Brecon Canal and I did a short walk along it one day. There was a family of Mallards who'd come...
  19. Mallard chicks (Anas platyrhynchos)

    Mallard chicks (Anas platyrhynchos)

    A brood of Mallard chicks (Anas platyrhynchos) just come out of the nest in the woods and are accompanied by their mother in the water with care and then disappear into a dense and hidden point on the shore !!!
  20. Duckling


    First brood there: After three days all nine ducklings predated. This brood: Seven of eleven are already taken.
  21. A male multi-tasking????

    A male multi-tasking????

    My friend and I spent an extended lunch break at my old patch "Up the Hill" on Sunday, quite a bit to be seen but this was a record shot taken through the windscreen of a couple of Mallards. It wasn't until I downloaded the pictures that I realised one was scratching his neck. A bit of...
  22. Mallard


  23. Mallard


    With several pair under a bridge on the river.
  24. Inching forward foot by foot.  Mallard

    Inching forward foot by foot. Mallard

  25. Forager


    Early January, we decided to go on a long ignored Loch of the Lowes, seemed to stop going there since the start of Covid. Also my friend wanted to try a monocular due to his failing sight. He managed to test it out first, through the window at the feeding station. A Mallard came through...