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  1. Wing Display

    Wing Display

    The end of April we decided to try the Balintore road again, this time from the southern end up to the blockage. We stopped for a peaceful lunch break in a layby looking over a field with some sheep. There were some Eurasian Oystercatchers pecking their way around, but this one decided on a...
  2. Monochrome chestnut

    Monochrome chestnut

    We moved on to Lintrathen Loch and the star of the show for me there that day was a nice close Great Crested Grebe. I've seen them there many times (and at Loch of the Lowes too), but they always seemed to be right on the edge of too far for my previous cameras. This one came well within range...
  3. Like ships passing in the night

    Like ships passing in the night

    One of many pictures I've taken when a species shows itself in the image that I didn't know was there!! I was taking the Mute Swan in flight but on preparing the image for posting here I spotted the Grey Heron in the background - at least I presume it's a heron, I can't see much detail...
  4. Sepia


    There were a few Mute Swan about that afternoon; didn't see any pairs though, so presumably the females were on nests. I rather like the colours in this image.
  5. The Chase is On

    The Chase is On

    Looks like the male Tufted Ducks are all chasing after the same female!! Taken on a recent visit to Kinnordy at the end of April. Saturday Fun
  6. A Happy Couple

    A Happy Couple

    Towards the end of April, saw us back at Kinnordy. Rather dull light that day, but I thought it made a rather nice image with these Mallards.
  7. Hungry


    I don't often get pictures of Great Crested Grebe, at least not good ones, but this guy was a little closer than normal. He'd caught a huuuge fish and seemed to be having trouble swallowing it, but it disappeared eventually. Anyone able to ID it? Saturday Fun
  8. When something catches your eye ....

    When something catches your eye ....

    Marsh Harrier dropping into the reed beds
  9. Better not go fishing

    Better not go fishing

    A couple of weekends ago we decided to go up to Glenshee to see if, for once, I could get a glimpse of Ptarmigan in their winter dress. But, as usual, as we climbed to the top the cloud was right down to the road. Cup of coffee later, we changed tack and decided to take the long road home by a...
  10. Robby


    The frustrating Sunday continued, albeit with some quality bird sightings! We entered a sharp bend when we heard a Robin singing, so I pulled in to a field gateway so we could look around. Eventually I spotted it in the hedgerow (which had been well and truly mangled by the looks of it). It was...
  11. Let's Twist Again

    Let's Twist Again

    We had a bit a frustrating day the other week. Decided to go to Balgavies reserve near Forfar. When we arrived it was to find the car park closed, with no other information. We went to the viewpoint car park just along the road and sat there with a cup of coffee. Then moved on driving round a...
  12. Scozmos

    Crossbills in the Angus Glens.

    Well, there you go, I hadn't noticed this area before, glad I've found it now. I've been walking at the reservoir as often as possible and one of my goals has been to view and photograph the Crossbills up there, sometimes I see them, sometimes I don't :( but, I've been putting together a photo...
  13. Rather monotone

    Rather monotone

    The colour of the water didn't really strike me at the time, I just thought it was nice looking at the two Mallard swimming across the loch. End of November did seem rather early to be pairing up though LOL
  14. Clods of earth

    Clods of earth

    My friend and I set off last Sunday, a bit unsure where to go, but first of all we went to investigate the flooded areas between Alyth and Meigle, from which I picked up a few year ticks. Then we went on a drive round the hills towards Kinnordy. On route we stopped to scan around some stubble...
  15. Cock Fighting

    Cock Fighting

    One of our Sunday day's out we decided on Balintore Glen. A little over half way along, we'd stopped to watch a load of Red Kite flying around, when suddenly Ken spotted these two cock Pheasants. The were putting up quite a fight!! Got a great view of one of them and what it looks like under...
  16. Not impressed

    Not impressed

    A Mute Swan was play-acting beside a couple of mates... but they don't seem to be enjoying the fun as much as he was. A rather distant view at Kinnordy in September. Saturday Fun
  17. Bird on a wire

    Bird on a wire

    Wasn't that the name of a song? The title came to me from somewhere LOL. Another bird we found on that early spring trip up Glen Moy was a Redwing. Some winters I really struggle to find them, but here was this guy sitting right out in the open for us, a tad distant though, so focusing was...
  18. Is that my house? I'd like it a bit bigger

    Is that my house? I'd like it a bit bigger

    A nice day in early March, we decided to go up one of my favourite glens, Glen Moy. There were some Northern Lapwing, a bit distant, so I needed to find some landmarks to get this picture. They seem to get rather large mole hills up there, don't they LOL Saturday fun
  19. Off to canoodle in privacy?

    Off to canoodle in privacy?

    We made a latish February visit to Kinnordy and love appears to be in the air as I'm sure this pair of Greylag have something in mind the way they're sneaking off LOL Saturday Fun
  20. What a load of bills!!

    What a load of bills!!

    I had my first visit for a while to Kinnordy last month. There were quite a lot of Greylag Geese flying around and on the loch too. It wasn't until I downloaded the pictures from the day that I saw how many bills were showing... how many can you see LOL Saturday Fun
  21. Sometimes it's not really worth it

    Sometimes it's not really worth it

    All I could make out through the mist were Whooper Swans and Eurasian Wigeon. What the rest were I've no idea. Wish I could make such images as good as Ove can!! Saturday Fun Gawd... the new pills the doc started me on yesterday seem strong enough to deaden the pain somewhat, but playing...
  22. Crossbill female at Backwater Reservoir

    Crossbill female at Backwater Reservoir

  23. Eurasian Skylark - 20220807

    Eurasian Skylark - 20220807

    I spotted this bird while watching Pipits, not that sure of my ID?
  24. Working towards the next generation

    Working towards the next generation

    I managed to get to Kinnordy at last and got into the hide. The last time I attempted this the car park was full of construction vehicles as they're 'improving' the path to Kirriemuir. Seems they have now moved on to the second phase, further along. Anyway.... I got into the Gullery hide to see...
  25. Posted


    I left the feeders and drove to the western end of the reserve to look back across the marsh. Keen to see what was about and moving there. Not too much, a distant crow sitting on a post in the bog; there were also some Greylag and Lapwings flying around but didn't get pictures of them (at least...