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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

arenaria interpres

  1. Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone

    Vira-Pedras Classificação Científica Reino: Animalia Filo: Chordata Classe: Aves Ordem: Charadriiformes Subordem: Scolopaci Família: Scolopacidae Rafinesque, 1815 Subfamília: Arenariinae Stejneger, 1885 Espécie: A. interpres Nome Científico Arenaria interpres (Linnaeus, 1758) Nome em...
  2. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

  3. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

  4. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

  5. ruddy turnstone

    ruddy turnstone

  6. Little and Large

    Little and Large

    A Ruddy Turnstone wandered across in front of us accompanied by a Red-necked Stint... would never have thought there was such a size difference as I hadn't ever considered a turnstone to be a large bird LOL. And although I'd only recently been introduced to these stints, I didn't think of them...
  7. You don't say?!

    You don't say?!

  8. We need to talk

    We need to talk

  9. Turnstone


  10. Turnstone


  11. You don't say?

    You don't say?

  12. ruddy turnstone

    ruddy turnstone

    the mistral was blowing at more than 100 km/h
  13. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

  14. Turnstone


  15. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

  16. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

  17. ruddy turnstone

    ruddy turnstone

  18. ruddy turnstone

    ruddy turnstone

  19. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

  20. Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone

    The wedge-shaped bill is used to lift up shoreline pebbles and debris where they forage on hidden invertebrates. This individual is in breeding (alternate) plumage. The back pattern lacking dark shaft streaks on the upper scapulars and the white nape suggest this is a male. Two races are...
  21. Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone

    Not yet in full breeding plumage
  22. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

    the only birds i found in the shore, about 20 of them, not complaining, but this time we should have many of the migrating birds, also the ground birds are absent no shrikes, whinchats, flycatchers. hopefully they will show up soon. hope you like it.
  23. Lakescape-842


    There were more than a thousand Avocets in the sprawling inland waterbody ... Mainly fed by rain water during Monsoon months July-August ... it lasts till next March-April ... Surprisingly ... two Ruddy Turnstones are in view as well ... ... in the foreground collection of water ... ...
  24. Turnstone


    Purple sandpiper in the BG
  25. Ruddy turnstone

    Ruddy turnstone

    One of my highlights this year.