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  1. I

    Small, brown and mothy

    This wee tortrix is doing my head in. I swear he even looks blurry in a 10x hand lens. He's about half a centimetre long, obscurely marked in grey-brown on brown-grey, and came to actinic light in Sussex last night. I can't even get to genus. Anyone? Please?


    My better half and I were sitting in the screen room when this little one ran up the wall and I was able to snap this picture. He was no more than a inch to inch and a half long. I took the picture with my cell phone.
  3. Brown thrasher

    Brown thrasher

    I love the striking yellow eyes of brown thrashers. I usually see these birds foraging along the edge of tree lines in the field behind our house.
  4. Brown Shrike

    Brown Shrike

    Thank you for your kind appreciation of my previous posts. Image cropped, re-sized, levels adjusted and minimally sharpened.
  5. Brown Honeyeater on grevillia

    Brown Honeyeater on grevillia

    Feeding on our daughter's verge planting.
  6. Brown Honeyeater

    Brown Honeyeater

    Waiting to feed on my daughter's Grevillia.
  7. "Australian Hummingbird"

    "Australian Hummingbird"

    I think this is the only one of our honeyeaters that hovers, which it does occasionally. This bird was one of a small group feeding on a grevillia at our daughter's garden.
  8. Brown Thrasher

    Brown Thrasher

    Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
  9. Hind Site

    Hind Site

  10. Brown Pelican in fight

    Brown Pelican in fight

    Brown Pelican in flight, diving for it's dinner.
  11. Brown Fish Owl , semenowi Subspecies

    Brown Fish Owl , semenowi Subspecies

    Other names: Turkish Brown Fish Owl / Western Brown Fish Owl Ketupa zeylonensis semenowi Zarudny, 1905
  12. Brown Cacholote

    Brown Cacholote

    Brown Cacholote (Pseudoseisura lophotes argentina)
  13. Brown Fish Owl

    Brown Fish Owl

    Ketupa zeylonensis (Gmelin, 1788)
  14. Bad Bad Leroy Brown

    Bad Bad Leroy Brown

    Bad Bad Leroy Brown. Even Leroy is no match for a chainsaw (lol).
  15. Brown Cacholote

    Brown Cacholote

    Brown Cacholote (Pseudoseisura lophotes argentina)
  16. Thrasher


  17. Brown Anole

    Brown Anole

    Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei: Dactyloidae) Also known as the Bahaman Anole. Introduced in the USA in the 1970s.
  18. Brown Pelican

    Brown Pelican

    Brown Pelican
  19. The Guard

    The Guard

  20. Big Bird, Bigger Bird

    Big Bird, Bigger Bird

    American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) with Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentals carolinensis). A size comparison between our two species of Pelicans.
  21. Brown Pelican (breeding plumage)

    Brown Pelican (breeding plumage)

    Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentals carolinensis) Breeding plumage.
  22. Brown Pelican and Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin

    Brown Pelican and Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin

    Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis) 1st yr bird and an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus truncatus: Delphinidae).
  23. Good Camo

    Good Camo

    almost missed this one.
  24. Brown Capuchin

    Brown Capuchin

    Brown Capuchin (Sapajus paella peruanus: Cebidae) Also known as the Tufted Capuchin. Mom with youngster.
  25. Brown Tinamou

    Brown Tinamou

    Brown Tinamou (Crypturellus obsoleutus ochraceiventris) Sexes similar.