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  1. Blue tit in action mode

    Blue tit in action mode

    For some reason i love photography in the rain, nature looks cool to my eyes. love to show birds in a action pose or look, their fun sides and emotions, emotions they don't show but have a great why of looking. Blue tit on the bird studio, as with all my wildlife shots I love to get close, it's...
  2. Young wild urban badger.

    Young wild urban badger.

    One of the youngsters of a group of five badgers being curious and assessing if it is safe to feed.
  3. A Proud Robin.

    A Proud Robin.

    A very proud european robin posing just before feeding.
  4. Fortuitous


    Streak-throated Swallows _________________________ .... clinging to a vertical wall .... On a birding trip... ...one early winter morning ... ...as I leaned over the wall ...I simply could not believe my luck ... They stayed there only for a very short while ...and angle too was not...
  5. Savanna Hawk

    Savanna Hawk

  6. Aplomado Falcon

    Aplomado Falcon

  7. Juvenile Yellow-headed Caracara

    Juvenile Yellow-headed Caracara

    Young bird was together with its mother on a roadside eating roadkill
  8. Yellow-headed Caracara  eating roadkill

    Yellow-headed Caracara eating roadkill

    This guy was eating a little kitten that was hit by a car
  9. Roadside Hawk

    Roadside Hawk

    This hawk was hunting insects when I came up to an open field he flew up to this Guarumo tree, you can see the praying mantis that he got in his beak.
  10. American Kestrel, female

    American Kestrel, female

    This little one was hunting insects around a field where a man was mowing the grass. It was chased away by a group of grackles and went to perch on a dead pine tree. I slowly aproached it taking photos at several distances until only 30 feet or so separated me from this little beauty. I was...
  11. Crested Caracara

    Crested Caracara

    Low grasslands of Cocle near the town of Penonome, waited for me to approach and take several pics.
  12. Savanna Hawk

    Savanna Hawk

    Another one of this great raptor.
  13. Savanna Hawk

    Savanna Hawk

    Got this beauty today, I could heve gotten a much better phot of it, he was sitting on a fence post but silly me did not see it on time and he got scared and flew away. This was at the low grasslands of Cocle Province, lots of raptors there. This is a beautiful powerful bird.
  14. White-tailed Kite

    White-tailed Kite

    This photo was taken back in 2005 when I first started taking pictures of birds.
  15. Crimson-backed Tanager

    Crimson-backed Tanager

    Very comon bird around here, but I don't get tired of admiring it's beauty
  16. Bat Falcon

    Bat Falcon

    This photo was taken at the Chorrera area, close to Panama City. It ws perched very high up close to an open field.
  17. Aplomado Falcon

    Aplomado Falcon

    Was lucky to find this beautiful falcon and being able to take several photos up close.
  18. Goldfinch close up

    Goldfinch close up

    Another from the new hide, hope it works as well out in the field as it does in the garden!
  19. Pheasant;    on our garden wall

    Pheasant; on our garden wall

    Young, curious, pheasant; Fuji Finepix S5600, on auto, I couldn't rely on him hanging around.
  20. Northern Flicker

    Northern Flicker

    Fairly calm flicker let me get close.
  21. Close Whooper

    Close Whooper

    This Whooper Swan was close, photogenic and light was also good.
  22. Close Whooper

    Close Whooper

    This Whooper Swan was close, photogenic and light was also good.
  23. Look in the eyes

    Look in the eyes

    This nice Mute was feeding in the ditch along the path and allowed me to approach it very close. The evening light was helping too for this picture.
  24. Waxwing looking in living-room

    Waxwing looking in living-room

    This picture was taken through window at home! A flock of Waxwings was feeding on the berries in front of our windows. This bird was very close in front of the (open!) living-room window.