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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Himalayas-727


    Sometimes ... ... they pose so well ... ______________ Verditer Flycatcher Dalhousie : Altitude 6900 feet Chamba Himachal Pradesh India 1 June 2023
  2. Himalayas-725


    A locally nesting pair ... ... glowing in the pre-sunset ... effulgence Black Bulbul Dalhousie Altitude 6900 feet Himachal Pradesh India 30 May 2023
  3. Himalayas-723


    These lovely songsters nest in the area ... ... and move to the plains during winter ... _______________ Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher Dalhousie Alt. 6900 feet Himachal Pradesh India 30 May 2023
  4. Himalayas-721


    Grey-winged Blackbird A species that nests in this area ... Dalhousie : Altitude 6900 feet Chamba Himachal Pradesh India 1 June 2023
  5. Himalayas-720 : Grey-winged Blackbird male singing : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-720 : Grey-winged Blackbird male singing : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    It had been raining incessantly for last two days in Dalhousie .... when it stopped pouring on the evening of 1st June .. we decided to go out and check some bird activity ... And ... we were greeted by this wonderful Grey-winged, male ... ... rendering his lovely song ... ... May-June...
  6. Himalayas-719


    These beauties have such a rich repertoire of songs and calls ... And ... they were singing gleefully when we were there a week ago ... ... we could do some recording as well ... ... taking our chances during rain-free periods ... Grey-winged Blackbird ... male
  7. Himalayas-718 : Black-lored Tit : foraging in rain : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-718 : Black-lored Tit : foraging in rain : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Light drizzle had started ... but we were out with our cameras ... to to get a shot at these little Himalayan beauties ... Black-lored Tit Dalhousie Altitude 6900 feet Chamba Himachal Pradesh India 30 May 2023 ... 4.00 pm
  8. Himalayas-716 : Rufous Sibia : post-sunset song : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-716 : Rufous Sibia : post-sunset song : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    The lovely ... late evening ... rather post sunset song was celestial ... resonating ... and echoing across that lovely Himalayan setting ... ... making one feel the joy of being a part of it ... Calls of Eurasian Jay can also be heard scattered in the first half of the recording ...
  9. Himalayas-715


    Named after the iconic singer ... ... they sing very well too ... as was evident in the video clip I posted earlier ... Link : https://www.birdforum.net/gallery/himalays-712-grey-headed-canary-flycatcher-lovely-song-amazing-wildlife-of-india-by-renu-tewari-alok-tewari.700638/...
  10. Himalayas-714 : White-tailed Nuthatch : foraging & calling : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-714 : White-tailed Nuthatch : foraging & calling : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    This fabulous ... ... tiny ( less than 5 inches ) Himalayan species of Nuthatches ... is not a common sighting in India ... One adult is seen foraging in its typical style in this video recording ... ... its call can also be heard in the last part of the clip ... _____________ Dalhousie ...
  11. Himalayas - 472

    Himalayas - 472

    Himalayas - 472 This colorful beauty was captured at 8000 ft. ... in its breeding range in Himalayas ... Come to our area during winter ... Sexes alike ... ____________ Bakrota Round Upper Dalhousie Alt. 8000 ft. Himachal Pradesh Western Himalayas India 19 June 2014
  12. Himalayas - 282

    Himalayas - 282

    Spring-Summer - 282 ... Here's the third image of this rarity ... ... giving clear view of the crown as he turned ... _________________________ Lemon-rumped Leaf Warbler ... aka ... Pale-rumped Warbler ________ Dalhousie Alt. 7000 ft. Western Himalayas Himachal Pradesh India 27.03.2013
  13. Himalayas - 281

    Himalayas - 281

    Himalayas - 281 ... Here's another view of this elusive Warbler ... ... showing the dorsal pattern ... Lemon-rumped Leaf Warbler ... aka ... Pale-rumped Warbler ________ Dalhousie Alt. 7000 ft. Western Himalayas Himachal Pradesh India 27.03.2013
  14. Himalayas - 280

    Himalayas - 280

    Himalays - 280 A mega forum rarity today ... Lemon-rumped Leaf Warbler ... aka ... Pale-rumped Warbler Only 3rd image in the database ... ID cross checked at ID-Forum ... Since it is such a rarity ... I'll share two more images showing different aspects of the plumage ... _____________...
  15. Himalayas - 279

    Himalayas - 279

    Just as we had finished shooting the images and videos of Rufous-bellied Niltava ... a light drizzle had already started ... ... it soon picked up and we had to rush back to our hotel room barely able to save our equipment ... It continued to rain throughout that day with spells of very...
  16. Himalayas - 278

    Himalayas - 278

    Himalayas - 278 In Dalhousie ... ... as we move along the forest-edge ... there is an old gnarled Rhododendron tree ... standing at a bend on one side ... ... we always scan its crown for any bird activity ... while passing ... We had seen Ultramarine FC ... Verditer FC ...
  17. Himalayas - 277

    Himalayas - 277

    Life : Glimpse ... and expanded consciousness __________________ In ... those Dizzying heights ... A little lull ... In rain Covers opened ... Albeit briefly Rich was ... The forest Full of Summer calls Blackbird ... Ushered in ... A lovely dawn With his Lilting song...
  18. Himalayas - 276

    Himalayas - 276

    Himalayas - 276 ... First Monsoon showers on abating ... left many wet patches ... and puddles at the forest edge ... Many birds were more than eager to take advantage of these at the day-break ... Here's one of those beauties ... Watch it drink at one such newly formed facility ...
  19. Himalayas - 275

    Himalayas - 275

    Himalayas - 275 ... Sentinel on duty ... sitting on vantage point ... nearly 8000 ft in Himalayas ... on the edge of the rich forest known to have Leopards and Himalayan Black Bear ... ... overlooking a precipitous drop with resplendent slope reaching a deep valley ... One of my all...
  20. Himalayas - 274

    Himalayas - 274

    Himalayas - 274 ... These gregarious and daring birds are amazing vocalist as well ... Apart from close to a dozen calls and songs of their own ... they are great mimic ... ... repeating calls of other species also ... Here, in the accompanying video ... one can see this individual...
  21. Himalayas - 273

    Himalayas - 273

    Himalayas - 273 ... ... as I mentioned earlier ... there were micro rain-free intervals during our stay in Himalayas ... on this occasion ... and these provided small windows of opportunity to image possible, bird and ... even occasional butterfly activity ... ... here, a fairly worn...
  22. Himalayas - 272

    Himalayas - 272

    The Himalayan forest was filled-up with the melodious song of singing Verditers ... Never before during our previous visits ... nearly in the same time period ... we heard so many of them crooning and calling ... This, a lady here performing minutes before the clouds rumbled on to...
  23. Himalayas - 271

    Himalayas - 271

    Himalayas - 271 ... Here's male Grey-winged Blackbird ... he was letting out an array of calls and songs ... even when a drizzle had started ... Sitting on top of a tall pine ... growing on the edge of a gorge ... he presented a difficult angle ... ... and a very dark bird in dull...
  24. Himalayas - 270

    Himalayas - 270

    It was a good outing in Himalayas last week ... from social and family point of view ... But ... birding opportunities were scarce ... due to early arrival of Monsoon that covered entire India and western Himalayas nearly 15 days in advance ... There was almost incessant rain and...