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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

fieldfare turdus pilaris

  1. Fieldfare portrait

    Fieldfare portrait

  2. Fieldfare perspective

    Fieldfare perspective

  3. Fieldfare profile

    Fieldfare profile

  4. The bleak midwinter

    The bleak midwinter

    Still lots of snow but there's a breath of spring in the air.
  5. Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)

    Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)

    It's amazing what a little bribery with an apple will get you. Through the window shot.
  6. Tenant  on the treetop

    Tenant on the treetop

    Our well-fed balcony tenant earning his/her keep for a change. :-)
  7. New Tenant

    New Tenant

    This Fieldfare seems to have adopted us and spends most of the time on our balcony.
  8. Fieldfare with apple

    Fieldfare with apple

    I think it's apple at any rate. It was in the neighbourhood but not at our feeders.
  9. Fieldfare resting

    Fieldfare resting

  10. Found a good one!

    Found a good one!

  11. Fieldfare Turdus pilaris

    Fieldfare Turdus pilaris

    The few remaining berries were still drawing in some photogenic subjects
  12. Fieldfare


    Not a nice day but lot of bird activity. I was attracted by a flock of fieldfares feeding with the berries of a common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). I waited near the bush for the birds to continue feeding. It happened but even if not frightened by my presence the birds kept some twigs between...
  13. Big Baby

    Big Baby

  14. Young Fieldfare

    Young Fieldfare

  15. Tired of waiting

    Tired of waiting

    Very demanding these kids. :-)
  16. Fieldfare portrait

    Fieldfare portrait

  17. Fieldfare


    Some of the snow (slush really) is still lying on the ground but it's a bit milder and there is even some sunshine so I'll go out this afternoon to see if I can find some spring migrants that haven't changed their minds about coming to Sweden.
  18. Stoic Fieldfare

    Stoic Fieldfare

    Not great weather here in Sweden but we saw a lot of migrating raptors yesterday. Hope for White Storks today.
  19. Fieldfare


  20. Fieldfare


  21. Fieldfare


  22. Fieldfare


  23. Fieldfare


  24. Fieldfare


    One of a hundred Fieldfares raiding our Holly trees
  25. Fieldfare

