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  1. American Alligator

    American Alligator

    A small American Alligator spotted off the boardwalk at Winding Waters Natural Area, West Palm Beach, Florida.
  2. Anhinga


    An Anhinga in the marsh at Winding Waters Natural Area, West Palm Beach, Florida.
  3. Bahama Mockingbird, First Year

    Bahama Mockingbird, First Year

  4. Downy Woodpecker

    Downy Woodpecker

    A Downy Woodpecker spotted in Frenchman's Forest, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
  5. Limpkin


    A Limpkin at Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, in Boynton Beach, Florida. Apple snails aren't just for Snail Kites!
  6. Snail Kite

    Snail Kite

    A Snail Kite just outside of the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, in Boynton Beach, Florida. If you look carefully you can see the tracking band on his left leg.
  7. Least Bittern, Female

    Least Bittern, Female

  8. Least Bittern, Female

    Least Bittern, Female

  9. Red-Bellied Woodpecker

    Red-Bellied Woodpecker

    a Red-Bellied Woodpecker in Perini Park, West Palm Beach, Florida.
  10. Brown Thrasher

    Brown Thrasher

    An expertly camouflaged Brown Thrasher in Frenchman's Forest, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
  11. Cattle Egret

    Cattle Egret

    A Cattle Egret in breeding plumage, taken at Dyer Park, West Palm Beach, Florida.
  12. Northern Cardinal

    Northern Cardinal

    I caught this fellow trying to catch a Hornworm. It took him a while to pry the Hornworm from it's branch, but he finally knocked it to the ground and had lunch.
  13. Green Heron

    Green Heron

    A Green Heron beside a canal in West Palm Beach, Florida.
  14. Great Blue Heron

    Great Blue Heron

    A Great Blue Heron at Okeeheelee Park, West Palm Beach, Florida
  15. Roseate Spoonbill

    Roseate Spoonbill

    A Roseate Spoonbill in flight over a canal in Perini Park, West Palm Beach, Florida.
  16. Common Grackle

    Common Grackle

    A Common Grackle perched in a tree is West Palm Beach, Florida.
  17. Swallow-tailed Kite

    Swallow-tailed Kite

    Over my yard, late in the evening and I was fortunate to have enough light. These guys are frequent visitors from early spring to late fall, and I never tire of watching them soar overhead. From time to time, one will swoop down and snag a lizard from one of out tall trees.
  18. Mississippi Kite

    Mississippi Kite

    Flying over my yard. I like the way the evening sun lit him up.
  19. Royal Tern

    Royal Tern

    I caught this guy diving in a lake. Thunderstorms were building, and I think it added a nice touch to the image.
  20. Swainson's Thrush

    Swainson's Thrush

    This is my first Swainson's Thrush. I was photographing American Redstarts, Black & White Warblers and Tufted Titmice that had swarmed in and were feeding in our Live Oak (we have a beautiful old Live Oak). He flew out from the under brush and gave me a brief chance for a shot or two.
  21. Northern Cardinal - female

    Northern Cardinal - female

    This little lady landed just feet above my head while I was photographing an immature Brown Thrasher. I guess she thought she was being left out of the action. My camera makes a soft chirp when it acquires focus, and that's what she is reacting to.
  22. Brown Thrasher - immature

    Brown Thrasher - immature

    There were at least 3 of these in the underbrush and they were making a chirping sound I have never heard, in fact, I thought I was zeroing in on a new bird. I waited them out and finally this one came out into the open.
  23. Cape May Warbler

    Cape May Warbler

    We don't see to many of these little Warblers in the yard so we were shocked to see this guy hanging onto the Hummingbird feeder a few months back. I always have my camera, so was able to snap a few before he flew back to Cape May. LOL
  24. Downy Woodpecker

    Downy Woodpecker

    We have an abundance of Downys in the yard, and this one in particular likes to visit the dead limbs on my orange tree. Late fall, he will even peck at my oranges.