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  1. C

    Birdwatching lodges / hotels in South Florida (Feb 2025)

    Hi all, We are a couple visiting from Europe and planning 2 weeks of birdwatching around South Florida in 2nd half of February 2025. Our draft plan includes staying 2-4 days in each the following regions 1. Boca Raton / West Beach to visit Wakodahatchee, Green Cay, Loxahatchee, Spanish River...
  2. Fandango739

    SW Florida USA - Yellowlegs

    As much as I try, I still have trouble telling my lesser from my greater yellowlegs. Seen at the Ding Darling Preserve on Sanibel Island, Florida during December. Thanks!
  3. DSC_0223.jpg


    Brown Pelican
  4. Black-Belled Whistling-Ducks with ducklings

    Black-Belled Whistling-Ducks with ducklings

    A pair of Black-Belled Whistling-Ducks with their two ducklings
  5. Black-Belled Whistling-Duck

    Black-Belled Whistling-Duck

    Black-Belled Whistling-Duck next to a lake.
  6. Sandhill Crane Colt

    Sandhill Crane Colt

    Colt walking through vegetation with mom(not in the frame).
  7. Anhinga 6b.jpg

    Anhinga 6b.jpg

    Anhinga on a dock a 70 yards away. If you open image up you will see feathers that have horizontal white lines. Sorry not better photo I was hand holding camera.
  8. Head Shot Red-Shoulder Hawk.jpg

    Head Shot Red-Shoulder Hawk.jpg

    Head Shot Red-Shoulder Hawk
  9. W

    ID HELP - Santa Rosa Beach, FL

    Taken in April 2024 Female/juvenile indigo bunting? Not up to speed with my US birds :) Thank you
  10. Fandango739

    Sanibel Island, SW Florida, USA - long shot

    Seen last week. Only photo. Thank you for any help!
  11. Fandango739

    SW Florida USA - Hawk(s)

    Seen today in Cape Coral, Florida, over mangroves. 1 - 3) One sighting. 2 - 8) Second sighting
  12. K

    EAGLE? Naples, FL, US

    Saw this large bird while walking today. Kinda looks like a young eagle. Any thoughts?
  13. Tricolored Heron

    Tricolored Heron

    Formerly called "Louisiana Heron," this is an adult in basic plumage. In breeding condition the base of the bill turns bright turquoise. This species favors southern swampy areas but is thought to be declining in North America after a period of range expansion from the 1940s to 1970s. The...
  14. Mottled Duck

    Mottled Duck

    The Florida population is now recognized as a separate subspecies (A. f. fulvigula) from the allopatric Texas and Louisiana population (A. f. maculosa). Florida birds have a yellower bill and less distinctly marked plumage. This is a male. Females have an orange bill. A close relative of the...
  15. Blue Jay

    Blue Jay

    This common but attractive Eastern North American jay was complaining loudly just outside the tram terminal. Their crest often lies flat, but here it is raised slightly. This is presumably the paler, duller South Florida race "C. c. semplei" which has recently expanded into the Florida Keys...
  16. Great Blue Heron

    Great Blue Heron

    Preformative (first Fall) molt in the Great Blue Heron is protracted and often suspended during the winter resulting in peculiar plumage combinations. E. g. this one shows an adult crown pattern but also retained juvenile wing coverts with white spots on the feather tips. Largest of the North...
  17. Wood Stork

    Wood Stork

    The wrinkled head skin and dark bill make this an adult. Threatened in the US, they are sensitive to changing water levels and refuse to breed unless lowering water levels can concentrate fish. Storks were formerly included with the herons, but based on (apparently faulty) genetic data were...
  18. White Ibis

    White Ibis

    These ibis typically feed in shallow water, but here we saw them foraging on mowed lawns and rain puddles. They usually feed on crustaceans and insects but here they were probing in the dirt, presumably going after earthworms. One particularly bold individual entered the cafe bar where I was...
  19. Osprey with the prize

    Osprey with the prize

    An Osprey caught what it was look for
  20. Fandango739

    SW Florida USA - ducks

    Seen on an inland lake. 1 & 2) Scaup, Lesser or Greater? 3, 4 & 5) Redheads? Many thanks!
  21. Fandango739

    Osprey subspecies?

    I saw this lovely pair in the Everglades National Park. The bird to the left seems an obvious "American Osprey", carolinensis. The bird on the right seems quite pale, however. Is it a possible ridgwayi? Thanks!
  22. Fandango739

    SW Florida USA - possible Tropical Kingbird?

    Seen today in Cape Coral. All the same bird. Many thanks for the thoughts!
  23. Florida Scrub Jay with a Florida sized Acorn

    Florida Scrub Jay with a Florida sized Acorn

    Florida has one bird that is endemic to the state, the Florida Scrub Jay. Sadly, their numbers are in decline. It is the only species of bird endemic to the U.S. state of Florida and one of only 15 species endemic to the continental United States. Because of this, it is keenly sought by birders...
  24. Osprey with lunch

    Osprey with lunch

    Sometimes called the Sea Eagle, the Osprey dives for food using it's talons to secure their prey underwater. Many epic battles have been filmed showing their tenacity.
  25. Palm Warbler

    Palm Warbler

    Palm Warblers are all over South Florida this time of year.