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  1. Greenfinch


  2. S

    Hi everyone! First post from me & my feathered friends

    Hi all. Newbie here. I've recently moved to North Wales, having never had a garden before (at least, as an adult home owner & out in the country). I've built what I'm amused to call my "feeder array" from a mixture of scraps, with bought & scavenged feeders. I have fat balls, mealworm...
  3. Greenfinch


  4. 06-02-2024 Greenfinch at Dusk.jpg

    06-02-2024 Greenfinch at Dusk.jpg

  5. Greenfinch


  6. Denny Woodthorpe

    Flights of fancy.

    Since setting out to photograph the garden birds in flight, I have only had the time for one session before today. What is more, I am away for another three weeks, so today was important for my learning and my confidence. The day stated badly, with lots of false triggers from the infra red...
  7. Denny Woodthorpe

    Small birds in flight.

    With only a limited number of birds in the garden for me to photograph, I have to find ways of challenging myself to produce different types of images. At the moment I am working on flight shots of small birds. I find this branch of bird photography to be the most difficult. I have tried...
  8. Greenfinch


    Birds here are already in full spring mode.
  9. Lord of all he surveys

    Lord of all he surveys

    A greenfinch scanning the garden.
  10. Greenfinch


  11. Greenfinch


  12. Greenfinch


    getting stuck into a rosehip
  13. Male greenfinch

    Male greenfinch

  14. Male greenfinch

    Male greenfinch

    Lovely spring colours even two weeks ago.
  15. Male greenfinch

    Male greenfinch

  16. Greenfinch


  17. Female greenfinch

    Female greenfinch

  18. Male greenfinch

    Male greenfinch

  19. Greenfinch


  20. Greenfinches


  21. Juvenile greenfinch

    Juvenile greenfinch

  22. Greenfinches and nuthatch

    Greenfinches and nuthatch

  23. 253- Carduelis chloris Greenfinch- 5 septembre 2019.jpg

    253- Carduelis chloris Greenfinch- 5 septembre 2019.jpg

    Verdier d'Europe - Carduelis chloris - Greenfinch
  24. Female greenfinch at the feeder

    Female greenfinch at the feeder

  25. Greenfinch BF

    Greenfinch BF

    Yellow streak really stands out on this handsome male