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Flights of fancy. (1 Viewer)

Since setting out to photograph the garden birds in flight, I have only had the time for one session before today. What is more, I am away for another three weeks, so today was important for my learning and my confidence.
The day stated badly, with lots of false triggers from the infra red sensor. They were caused, I think, by the strong winds moving the sensor slightly.
I eventually largely sorted things out, only to suffer from out of focus shots and photos of birds tails! I had to experiment with how far ahead of the take off perch to focus to allow for shutter lag and how to improve the depth of field. Perseverance eventually paid off and I managed several “keepers”, including the two shown here. I now have the confidence to work on improving the composition of the photos to include other elements in the photo. It will, though, have to wait for a month before I can have another go. IMG_2714.jpegIMG_2719.jpeg
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