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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Gate Crasher

    Gate Crasher

    It was so pleasing to have Long-tailed Tits, visiting our new Mause feeders. However, this Blue Tit thinks "they're not going to stop me getting fed, however many of them there are!!" Saturday Fun
  2. January Sunset  .jpg

    January Sunset .jpg

    I was just thinking it was possibly time to draw the curtains, when I looked up and saw this magnificent sunset through the window. Jumped up, quick change of camera settings and.... beautiful rich colours! Don't often see one quite so good as this.
  3. Peanut lover

    Peanut lover

    A handsome Great Tit filling his tummy on the peanuts at our Mause feeders. I think the tree in the background makes a rather nice colourful backdrop, Not sure which type of pine it is.
  4. Athletic


    Well what other title could I use with the World Athletics Championships coming from Glasgow LOL!!? We arrived at the feeders to find this Common Pheasant sitting on top of a gate post, perhaps it was warmer on his feet up there as the ground was rather frozen with snow on the ground.
  5. An "Ouch" Shot

    An "Ouch" Shot

    My friend had phoned me and said he was watching a load of finches, including Brambling, along near the town's water treatment plant. So off I went to meet up with him. Of course, by the time I'd got there they'd all gone, just left with a few Rooks! After a while I decided to move down the...
  6. White heron

    White heron

  7. All the sixes!

    All the sixes!

    I've shown you a good dose of Long-tailed Tits at the Craighall Feeders, but the only visit we'd had at Mause was back in the spring last year. It was therefore a wonderful surprise to see six of them call in at the end of January (and still visiting today as it happens). Gorgeous wee...
  8. The Beauty of East Scotland

    The Beauty of East Scotland

    Early January was just after two named storms had been through leaving wide-spread flooding all over the UK, and we suffered as well. Our town was virtually cut off, certainly from the south! This is one of the flooded areas just outside Meigle. This area is one of the first to flood...
  9. Posing


    We don't seem to travel too far at this time of year, so this is a Eurasian Blackbird spotted in a tree before coming down to feed. Checking out the opposition perhaps LOL
  10. Old Ivory bill

    Old Ivory bill

    A very cold setting for this Common Pheasant, but I guess he's used to it LOL. Don't know why really, but I rather like this picture, taken at our Mause feeders.
  11. It went

    It went

    Just as I clicked off went the Collared Dove (my first of the year too!). However, what I was left with was a picture of frozen moss on my neighbour's roof. It was actually the first heavy frost of the year as well! I was rather taken with it, so thought you might like to see it too.
  12. Clods of earth

    Clods of earth

    My friend and I set off last Sunday, a bit unsure where to go, but first of all we went to investigate the flooded areas between Alyth and Meigle, from which I picked up a few year ticks. Then we went on a drive round the hills towards Kinnordy. On route we stopped to scan around some stubble...
  13. Doves


    Thanks a lot dear fellows for all of your very kind comments on my shots
  14. Pleasing


    Again, this is at our newest feeding station, about a mile further out of town. One of the main reasons I stopped digiscoping and got into bridge cameras was the difficulty of getting pictures of this guy and their habit of disappearing round the backs of trees and reappearing a mile further up...
  15. Sometimes it's not really worth it

    Sometimes it's not really worth it

    All I could make out through the mist were Whooper Swans and Eurasian Wigeon. What the rest were I've no idea. Wish I could make such images as good as Ove can!! Saturday Fun Gawd... the new pills the doc started me on yesterday seem strong enough to deaden the pain somewhat, but playing...
  16. Forager


    Early January, we decided to go on a long ignored Loch of the Lowes, seemed to stop going there since the start of Covid. Also my friend wanted to try a monocular due to his failing sight. He managed to test it out first, through the window at the feeding station. A Mallard came through...
  17. Who has the upper hand here?

    Who has the upper hand here?

    My feeling is the Collared Dove who seems to be guarding the feeding point LOL SF
  18. Out numbered!

    Out numbered!

    January at the Craighall feeders, my first visit there this year produced a large flock of Long-tailed Tits. However this Blue Tit was quite determined he was going to fill himself at the feeder, despite being heavily outnumbered. They're quite feisty, so I guess the Long-tailed weren't going...
  19. MaxesTaxes

    Flying geese in the Netherlands

    Hi guys, Here are some geese flying in formation over the beach of the Wassenaarse Slag in the Netherlands. The photo was taken on the 9th of January this year (the second photo is just a cropped version of the first one). I'm really not sure that the photos are good enough to make out any...
  20. Woodie on ice

    Woodie on ice

    I'd not seen a Wood Pigeon in the garden for a while, but knew they weren't far off as I'd seen some flying over during the previous week. TTTW
  21. Fluff Ball

    Fluff Ball

    It's surprisingly difficult to get a Long-tailed Tit on it's own and perched away from feeders.... they just seem to fly in from a distance.
  22. Ganetts


    Count 'em... I think there may be seven! Though at one point I'm sure I counted eight of them! Always a delight to see, aren't they.
  23. Found my own food

    Found my own food

    ... so let's hope that darn Robin stays away!! I'd also put some feed on the ground on the other side of the road. There's often a Dunnock hiding in the bushes there. Incidentally, this picture started off very dark, but with the aid of something I messed about with in FastStone I managed to...
  24. On a slope

    On a slope

    I took this picture leaning out of the window. I don't know if you can tell (it looks obvious to me LOL) but that's a steep slope he's on. In fact it's so steep that when I went out to feed the birds one day I slid from the top to the bottom (just glad that no-one was looking and the snow was...
  25. Fluffed up

    Fluffed up

    Hope you're not fed up with Robin pictures, but they were so showy that day and this one came pretty close too.