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  1. Pretty in yellow

    Pretty in yellow

    I think this Grey Wagtail is the female of the family. We were right at the top of the glen now, and there was a family of them around, and very busy they were too. I showed you the young one on Saturday, gracing my Christmas card.
  2. A taste of summer

    A taste of summer

    ... to keep us going until it warms up again. We'd stopped further up the glen for a lookabout and I saw these beautiful Foxgloves on the other side of the road, so couldn't resist taking a picture.
  3. Take off

    Take off

    We'd pulled into a gateway soon after entering the glen, for a cup of coffee. Looking around I noticed a Buzzard on a power pole. So quick out with the camera and after two images he started to take off (I wonder he waited so long). Not the best of images I know, but this is only my 5 picture...
  4. Following the Plough

    Following the Plough

    Except it isn't ploughing... it's turning the grass and putting it into neat rows prior to the baler coming. It really doesn't take gulls long to spot something like this and they arrive in their droves! Think these are Common Gull but I'm not good with gulls!!!
  5. Mainstay


    Chaffinches are just about the main species which visit our furthest away feeders. I can't work out how many pairs there are. They seem to be very fond of their food anyway!
  6. Seasons Greetings

    Seasons Greetings

    Rather than trying to do a typical winter bird for my card this year, I chose this pretty Grey Wagtail, one of my favourite sightings from this year, when we came across a little family at the top of Glen Prosen. The first I've posted since 2017!! I use Paint.net to process my pictures, for the...
  7. Not a fledgling

    Not a fledgling

    but a juvenile Great Tit this time. Doing well, isn't he.
  8. Tight grip

    Tight grip

    This Great Spotted Woodpecker seemed determined to make sure he wasn't going to fall off this peanut feeder!! They really make the best use of their well-designed tail sometimes, don't they. I think it's a male, just didn't get a good view of the nape, but just one shot showed a little and I...
  9. All tied up!

    All tied up!

    I've not featured a Blue Tit for a bit, but took the opportunity to do so with this one that's eating peanuts from a coconut!! Also to show the lengths we had to go to to protect the feeders from the pesky Jackdaws. They were pretty destructive as overnight they got into the feeding area and...
  10. Singer


    Arriving on Patch, the first bird encountered was a Linnet, sitting on a roadside fence. I used to see loads of these until they grubbed out all the gorse lining the road. There's still a few around, but nothing like the numbers since before. Not sure if this is a scruffy adult male, or a young...
  11. Two young ones

    Two young ones

    On the way up to my patch we pass through a farm (house on one side of the road, barns on the other). So of course there's overhead telephone wires which the Swallows just love to sit on, especially the fledglings waiting to be fed. Though I was actually disappointed, at the end of June, to...
  12. Considering


    It seems to me that this Chaffinch is thoughtfully tasting a seed to see if it is really to his taste. I'm surprised no-one got the species in my picture yesterday... it was the Marsh Harrier which I showed you just a week before, in the same tree. I'd not zoomed in so much though LOL.
  13. When you need a second, or even third look

    When you need a second, or even third look

    Looks like an owl on that branch doesn't it. Is it? Saturday Fun
  14. Looking benign

    Looking benign

    This one doesn't appear to be such a bully boy in this picture I don't think. Though Great Tits sure know how to defend themselves and hold their ground (except maybe from Blue Tits LOL)
  15. Joyous time

    Joyous time

    What a great time is to be had birding during the early summer months, with the babies leaving the nest and watching adults tenderly feeding their youngsters. Here's an adult Coal Tit with his fledgling. Appears to be some fat is the choice.
  16. Mr peanut lover

    Mr peanut lover

    The male Great Spotted Woodpecker sure was showing his partiality for peanut butter. Headed straight for it that day!
  17. Following Forager

    Following Forager

    Hot on the heels of the robin was a Yellowhammer! Gorgeous birds and fairly scarce round here now sadly.
  18. Ground feeding

    Ground feeding

    There are a number of feeders at the feeding station in the woodland at Kinnordy. As well as topping up some of the feeders when we go, we usually scatter some seeds on the ground round about. A Robin approached through some stinging nettles and appeared to be quite unscathed!
  19. Battle for top dog

    Battle for top dog

    Now it's a Great Tit wanting to beat up a male Chaffinch, for feeding rights over the peanuts (or the seed which I put on the shelf!
  20. You need to know your mum!

    You need to know your mum!

    A fledgling Coal Tit seems to be screaming for the Blue Tit to feed him!! Guess he can't remember what his mum looks like. Or just hopeful perhaps! Saturday Fun My browser collapsed this afternoon and I just remember I'd not actually posted this before it happened. Had to start all over again!
  21. Marshy


    It was a good raptor day for me on that mid-June visit for a Marsh Harrier sat in the tree on the far side of the loch after hunting in the marsh on that side. Only a record shot really as it was so distant, but at least you can make out what it is.
  22. Red comes in

    Red comes in

    Red Kites are really spreading throughout this area now and, although not daily sightings, we do come across them pretty often, even had two on my patch the other day! They are still the highlight of the day when we do see any! This one gave me another chance to practise a flight shot.
  23. Young about

    Young about

    Of course Kinnordy (and the birds) didn't let us down by providing some youngsters. A Mute Swan swam past the hide leading her group of little cygnets - they look very young, so I don't think they're long hatched.
  24. Practising


    I still practise flight shots when I get a chance. Some of them work and, although this Grey Heron was a little distant (way over the other side of the loch), it didn't work out too badly I think.
  25. Good balance needed

    Good balance needed

    When going to our different feeding stations I like to spread the food around quite a bit, so as well as the actual feeders, we put some on fence post, and connecting rails, on any flat bits on the gates and also scattered on the ground around and the road (no traffic). The male Blackbird this...