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marsh warbler

  1. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

  2. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

    in full song.
  3. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

    in full song. I hope my ID is correct.
  4. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

    not sure if this is the same one form early of the month, some years they stay as long as 3 weeks. and the nightingale is still around. hope you like it.
  5. Marsh Warbler

    Marsh Warbler

    yesterday we had a nightingale, today lots of barn swallows and this one coming frequently to the hanging water plate, which mean that migration officially started.
  6. F

    Juvenile Marsh Warbler? (Netherlands, Oostvaardersplassen, July 14th, 2023)

    This afternoon I saw this young bird. (Netherlands, Flevoland, Oostvaardersplassen) It was relatively tame, and actively foraging on and near a path. When disturbed by a passing mountain biker, it was back in no time. It was near both reeds/high grasses and forest/trees/scrub. Its blackish and...
  7. Get lost!!I'm working here! Marsh warbler

    Get lost!!I'm working here! Marsh warbler

  8. Marsh Warbler

    Marsh Warbler

  9. Marsh Warbler

    Marsh Warbler

  10. Tom St

    Warbler song in the Netherlands--Groningen

    Recorded today (05.06.2022). I suspect Marsh Warbler, but can't 100% rule out other Warblers. Thanks for your help!
  11. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

  12. 212- Acrocephalus palustris Marsh Warbler- 5 juin 2015.jpg

    212- Acrocephalus palustris Marsh Warbler- 5 juin 2015.jpg

    Rousserolle verderolle -Acrocephalus palustris - Marsh Warbler
  13. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

  14. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

    a lovely visitor to the garden, hope it stay for sometime. hope you like it thanks so much.
  15. Marsh Warbler

    Marsh Warbler

  16. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

    so happy to see one, as i was sad that i missed those who come early in September. hope you like it.
  17. Marsh Warbler

    Marsh Warbler

    Seen on a rainy morning, these shy migrants are very common during migration. Mostly found East of the Great rift valley.
  18. Marsh Warbler

    Marsh Warbler

  19. Marsh mellow

    Marsh mellow

    Enchanted by the smooth and sweet-sounding song of this bird (if compared to the Reed Warbler), this time caught almost in the open
  20. marsh warbler

    marsh warbler

    a rather rare breeder here. I actually hadn't seen one for many years, I forgot what fabulous singers they are. The male of this couple had a large range of imitations, with stunning renderings of the short-toed treecreeper call and the most amazing imitations of the alarm-rattle of a blackbird.
  21. Marsh Warbler

    Marsh Warbler

  22. Marsh warbler

    Marsh warbler

    always on time, but they are usually the last of the migrating warblers. now time for the much similar Mangrove reed warbler which are breeding in the region. BTW the A serin is not a newbie for me, but a new resident bird in the garden, those who came before were usually an escape. thanks so...
  23. Reed Warbler or Marsh Warbler - this is not a Question

    Reed Warbler or Marsh Warbler - this is not a Question

    For the Question see: http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=262987 You'll like it...
  24. Marsh Warbler.

    Marsh Warbler.

    This Male Marsh Warbler is one of the many migratory birds that battles its way back to northern europe every year. Overcoming Hunters both human and nonhuman overcoming changing weather food shortages and everything else that gets laid in its path. I for one am grateful for every single one of...
  25. Marsh Warbler

    Marsh Warbler
