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  1. Quickie


    Mom had been out fishing while the old man was sitting on the nest. She landed on their favorite branch and preened herself for a while. There was a vocal exchange and dad flew down from the nest to get his reward for minding the nest.
  2. Which way did the Sparrowhawk go!!!

    Which way did the Sparrowhawk go!!!

    actually it appears to be part of the mating ritual but looked like he was offering directions.......
  3. American Avocet

    American Avocet

    Spring time activity of the American Avocet. I have been working on a series of mating shots. Comments welcome. Larry Selman http://MostlyBirds.com
  4. Nearly there 17:09:00

    Nearly there 17:09:00

    I liked this shot the best as the females eyes are closed and her toes seem to be curled more than normal........
  5. It starts 17:08:52

    It starts 17:08:52

    Sitting outside having a coffee and was watching a starling on the fence singing and displaying, when along came its mate, so I pressed the shutter release (reposting the sequence as they had to be removed as I'd made a mistake uploading them, so apologies if you've seen them already)
  6. Not seen in the Kama Sutra

    Not seen in the Kama Sutra

    Tricky enough balancing on top of your mate, but even more difficult when you choose the apex of the roof on the local bird table
  7. May the best man win

    May the best man win

    Its was that time of year again
  8. Very Funny

    Very Funny

    Whilst these might be a common nuisance to some, watching there mating and feuding does make you laugh
  9. Dragon Mating Flight

    Dragon Mating Flight

    Dragonflies attached in flight during mating ritual
  10. Love is in the air

    Love is in the air

    mansaged to grab this shot of Mr Robin offering a meal worm to Mrs Robin. They would choose a pretty grotty day to do it, but that's wildlife as they say
  11. Cormorants but which ones?

    Cormorants but which ones?

    Watched a cormorant flying with a piece of weed and landed on a jetty and started this dance, managed to capture a shot just between the posts as the boat moved on, never noticed the blue colouring around the beak before
  12. Rough Sex

    Rough Sex

    3 of 3 photos from a 10-photo sequence - a blue wing teal drake mounts a hen, and forces her deep under water - i suppose the bouyancy is quite effective... ;-)
  13. Rough Sex

    Rough Sex

    2 of 3 photos from a 10-photo sequence - a blue wing teal drake mounts a hen, and forces her deep under water - i suppose the bouyancy is quite effective... ;-)
  14. Rough Sex

    Rough Sex

    1 of 3 photos from a 10-photo sequence - a blue wing teal drake mounts a hen, and forces her deep under water - i suppose the bouyancy is quite effective... ;-)
  15. Spring is (almost) in the air

    Spring is (almost) in the air

    Managed to grap this shot of a GF giving it's mate (I presume) a sunflower seed probably as part of it's mating activities! Sorry about the quality, but it was taken through the window as it's much too cold to sit outside!
  16. Snowy Egret  Mating Display

    Snowy Egret Mating Display

    A male, Snowy Egret repeatedly jumping from the rail in front of a female. Caught in mid-air shortly before the female gave him the cold shoulder.
  17. Is this wide enough?

    Is this wide enough?

    It's them Robins again - As cute as you like!
  18. They're at it again!

    They're at it again!

    My two Robins are at it again so perhaps this means there is yet another brood on the way!Now I'll have to spend another fortune on meal worms! Boy did I have to move fast to get this shot!
  19. Love is in the air!

    Love is in the air!

    So that's were all my Mealworms go! Sorry about the quality - it happened suddenly, just now in poor light.
  20. Royal Terns mating

    Royal Terns mating

    Sanibel island, Florida