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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Made it....

    Made it....

    Was anyone watching? The Eurasian Blackbird again, this time after he'd completed his high jump exploit, and obviously acknowledging the applause.
  2. Ready for take-off

    Ready for take-off

    The houses which front onto the canal on the opposite side to the towpath have private boat mooring privileges. This one has a series of breeze block ledges and is covered with a variety of old road (mostly) signs. There was a ledge just above this Eurasian Blackbird and rather than 'fly up'...
  3. A blob on a wire

    A blob on a wire

    When I see a blob on a wire I have to take the picture of it. Sometimes it remains a blob but this time it was a House Sparrow. Lunch in the churchyard was beginning to be productive. After I posted yesterday's picture, the young Starlings came back in their usual mob. They are now sporting...
  4. When you've got an itch!

    When you've got an itch!

    When I was staying with my brother, it was very hot weather during June (does that seem a long time ago LOL}. With my brother's poor health and my walking difficulties, outings were not really what we wanted to do. So this day we decided to have a packed lunch and eat it across the road in the...
  5. Having a wander

    Having a wander

    I made the long journey down to stay with my brother and his wife in South Wales (we were going to my nephew's wedding in Sussex as part of my trip). Anyway, close beside my brother's house is the Brecon Canal and I did a short walk along it one day. There was a family of Mallards who'd come...
  6. Grey Wagtail closer

    Grey Wagtail closer

    ..... but chose to hide behind a weed!!!! And I couldn't move! And he had his back to me. Not fair, is it. The winner of yesterday's quiz was Graham (Macswede) - well done laddieB (: It was, indeed the Sandpiper.
  7. Grey Wagtail

    Grey Wagtail

    Another distant little bird in the middle of a river. Well it's actually the same river (the Usk) but a few miles upstream at a great birdwatching place called Llanvihangel Gobion. I've been there before, but this time accessed from a different place (the little village of The Bryn if anyone's...