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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Brambling


    Resident male.
  2. European robin

    European robin

    Met this cutie on my way home today.
  3. Mistle thrush

    Mistle thrush

    With a yummy worm 🪱.
  4. SF - On the run

    SF - On the run

    ... not really. The coot chased another coot over the pond and outside the pond.
  5. Sunbathing


    Enjoying her time.
  6. Goldcrest


    with nesting material.
  7. Eurasian blackcap

    Eurasian blackcap

    Here for a couple of days now and of course singing its heart out.
  8. Spring blossoms - Coal tit

    Spring blossoms - Coal tit

    @ another feeding place. This place regained importance. A wildlife photographer is regularly feeding the birds there.
  9. In full song

    In full song

    Currently everywhere.
  10. Red squirrel

    Red squirrel

    @ my feeding place.
  11. Mistle thrush

    Mistle thrush

    A new guest @ my feeding place.
  12. Hawfinch


    A thrilling moment for a Munich wildlife guy today. I saw a goshawk in the sky (above my feeding place) and another bird fleeing from it. The goshawk did not hunt the escaping bid. It scared it up. Everything happened too fast for a capture. All I noticed was a downwards curved bill and a bird...
  13. Black-winged Stilt

    Black-winged Stilt

    Hope for arriving waders.
  14. Male siskin

    Male siskin

    I would estimate that 99% of this years´ siskins have already left but some are still here. Year for year the same. Again and again. Usually do they travel in flocks. No idea why some behave differently.
  15. Jay


    Yesterday´s jay alive.
  16. Bully in the afternoon

    Bully in the afternoon

    I found a broken human skeleton leg bone @ my feeding place yesterday. It unintentionally fell from a skip container with excavated material before a burial. Creepy 💀 but simply the reason why excavated material @ cemeteries here is always covered. Today did visitors and me start a rescue...
  17. Jay tunes

    Jay tunes

    in spring.
  18. Male siskin

    Male siskin

    Not many were here and most have already left.
  19. Bullfinch


    With fresh buds in her beak.
  20. Black woodpecker

    Black woodpecker

    One more black pecker. A true rarity here/in Munich..
  21. Sparrowhawk


    The recent sparrowhawk from a different angle of view. Today was dull and grey, almost like in November. Thank god its March and we will soon have green trees with warmer weather. The broken stem is a result of heavy snowfall.
  22. Wren


    From today.
  23. Sparrowhawk


    No waste policy, except some feathers.
  24. Female black woodpecker

    Female black woodpecker

    Very noisy, with a strident "ke-yaa" given when landing or perched and a "krry-krry-krry" call uttered in flight. Found in a range of forest types, especially older mixed forest (eBird).
  25. Croci


    Croci and light.