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myrtle beach south carolina

  1. D

    South Carolina bird ID?

    Hello all, I just drove past this bird on my golf cart this morning and it doesn't look like a species that frequents the property. The bird was doing a bobbing behavior that I would associate with some shore birds. The photo was taken in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in a fairly wooded area...
  2. Just out of the bath after 15 minutes

    Just out of the bath after 15 minutes

    American Blue Jay Blue jays are noisy, bold, and aggressive birds. They are very territorial and will chase others from a feeder for an easier meal. Additionally, Blue jays may raid other birds' nests, stealing eggs and chicks.
  3. A close up

    A close up

    Yellow-rumped Warbler not showing it's rump :) In summer, both sexes are a smart gray with flashes of white in the wings and yellow on the face, sides, top of head and rump. Males are very strikingly shaded; females are duller and may show some brown.
  4. Pine Siskin

    Pine Siskin

    Pine Siskins are very small songbirds with sharp, pointed bills and short, notched tails
  5. Red-Eyed Vireo

    Red-Eyed Vireo

    Red-eyed Vireos are large, chunky vireos with a long, angular head, thick neck, and a strong, long bill with a small but noticeable hook at the tip. The body is stocky and the tail fairly short. RELATIVE SIZE Slightly larger than a Yellow Warbler; slightly smaller than a Tufted Titmouse...
  6. Loves that Peanut Butter

    Loves that Peanut Butter

    Brown Creeper Brown Creepers are tiny yet lanky songbirds. They have long, spine-tipped tails, slim bodies, and slender, decurved bills.
  7. Caught in the Setting Sun

    Caught in the Setting Sun

    Male Baltimore Oriole & my 4,000 Gallery image ;)
  8. American Bald Eagle

    American Bald Eagle

    I did not expect to come across this beauty today. Apparently, I did not see it on the other side of the Lake. "During the 1970s, bald eagles were seriously endangered. ... The bald eagle has been the national emblem of the United States since 1782. ... When it comes to sight, eagles have two...
  9. My Hermie

    My Hermie

    Hermit Thrushes have a chunky shape similar to an American Robin, but smaller.
  10. Female Baltimore Oriole

    Female Baltimore Oriole

    Fond of fruit and nectar as well as insects
  11. American Robin.   So many around even with the cold weather around us.

    American Robin. So many around even with the cold weather around us.

    American Robins are fairly large songbirds with a large, round body, long legs, and fairly long tail.
  12. Male Pileated Woodpecker

    Male Pileated Woodpecker

    The largest Woodpecker in North America and, of course, one of my favorites
  13. Male Baltimore Oriole

    Male Baltimore Oriole

    Unlike robins and many other fruit-eating birds, Baltimore Orioles seem to prefer only ripe, dark-colored fruit
  14. Another Nuthatch Image

    Another Nuthatch Image

    Still the one I photographed a few days ago but probably not an irruption that I was hoping for
  15. A Smiling Woodpecker

    A Smiling Woodpecker

    That's what it looks like to me ;)