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  1. Hmmm ... turns his back on a apple!

    Hmmm ... turns his back on a apple!

    For some reason I thought today was Wednesday! Where that came from I don't know LOL. That would be why there's no SF picture this week - sorry. Today I've a Dunnock for you. It always makes my day to see one around and this one appeared on the shed roof in the garden. TTTW
  2. Sometimes it's just not fair

    Sometimes it's just not fair

    It was pouring with rain when we got to the Mause Feeders. There were some birds around stuffing their faces. We struggled on filling the feeders right to the top, getting wetter and wetter, thinking of hot coffee in the car. Eventually we were done. Sat in the car, window open, camera ready...
  3. The favourites with friends

    The favourites with friends

    Everybody loves Long-tailed Tits, so I can't resist photographing them when I catch them at the feeders. Just in case you're not sure, there's 4 and a bit of them, along with a Coal Tit and a Great Tit. Strangely we've not had them back at the Mause feeders up the hill this winter yet, even...
  4. Balance beam

    Balance beam

    This Common Pheasant seems to be getting quite brave now - I've not seen him on the top rail before, the lower one once, but he usually reaches up to it to grab any spilt seed. Really not sure how he manages to keep his balance up there LOL. Back home now, hopefully the end of hospital visits...
  5. Cock Fighting

    Cock Fighting

    One of our Sunday day's out we decided on Balintore Glen. A little over half way along, we'd stopped to watch a load of Red Kite flying around, when suddenly Ken spotted these two cock Pheasants. The were putting up quite a fight!! Got a great view of one of them and what it looks like under...
  6. Who's  a pretty boy then?

    Who's a pretty boy then?

    These male Common Pheasant really are so attractive when seen in their proper habitat, aren't they. This is a regular visitor to the Mause feeders, having a great time picking up what has fallen either by our clumsy hands or the habits of the birds who constantly drop seeds LOL.
  7. Fandango739

    Weaverville, North Carolina USA - Warbler

    The one and only photo. Seen last month in Weaverville, NC, USA. Wet weather, near a lake.
  8. Fandango739

    N. Carolina USA - small longshots

    Seen in late October, Weaverville, N. Carolina. 1 - 3, same bird 4, Pine Warbler? 5 - 6, same bird (possible red-breasted nuthatch?) 7, warbler.... Many thanks for any help!
  9. Here today, gone tomorrow, that's me!

    Here today, gone tomorrow, that's me!

    A glance out the window and I noticed a different looking Chaffinch in the crowd!
  10. ... and away

    ... and away

    We sat looking at the eagle for a little longer then he took off. This was our final sighting of this particular Wedge-tailed Eagle. Then we headed deeper into the mountains on a pretty rough road.
  11. Best view

    Best view

    The Wedge-tailed Eagle eventually crossed the road in front of us then settled in a tree. I've a funny feeling that Peter may have taken this picture, as he was on the right side of the car and I may have spooked him while getting out. But he still gave me the best view of an eagle I've ever had!!!
  12. Keeping up

    Keeping up

    Some miles later, we turned off onto a dirt road to Angorachina. Almost immediately a Wedge-tailed Eagle joined us, flying alongside the car for quite a while. He really gave me a great photo opportunity, as due to the road surface we had to drive very slowly, partly due to the bumps, but also...
  13. In danger

    In danger

    Further along this road we came across Shingle-back Lizard Blue Tongue in the middle of the road, so needed to hasten him safely on his way across. Wonderful looking lizards, aren't they. Busy week.... off to SpecSavers and the Chiropractor today!
  14. No table manners

    No table manners

    I just didn't realise, taking a series of pictures of a Black Kite flying alongside us. The last picture showed him eating something that he had in his talons. This is a very heavy crop.
  15. Following


    We were far from done with Wedge-tailed Eagle sightings for a couple of miles down the road, was one flying alongside us. Quite pleased with this one, taken from a moving car LOL
  16. Jay Walkers..... guess not!

    Jay Walkers..... guess not!

    We eventually came out onto the main road that ran up the other side of the mountains from where we were staying.... rather a rough track all the way, so maybe a long road for a short-cut comes to mind LOL. Rounding a series of bends we came across a group of Australian Raven, with a couple of...
  17. High up

    High up

    After another awesome breakfast we headed for a couple of miles back towards Hawker before taking a rather rough road across to Moralana. We didn't see too much bird life initially, but then spotted a large blob sitting high up on a ridge. Couldn't really have been anything else but a...
  18. Shady


    Peter came to find me and we went round the back of our cabins to see what happened there. We very quickly discovered White-browed Babblers liked it there too. And I had a grand old time chasing them around the shadows trying to get a picture of one of them; admittedly there wasn't much...
  19. First rays

    First rays

    The next morning, before breakfast, I found a Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater in the hedge in front of my cabin. He seemed to be enjoying the first rays of the sun which really was barely over the horizon. It rather played games with my exposure... had to work a bit to correct it LOL
  20. A giant with midgets

    A giant with midgets

    Although Peter and Adrienne look like midgets beside this mighty gum, they are not really small people at all LOL. This is the Cazneaux Tree, an ancient gum, though I've been unable to find out just how old it is.
  21. Why the head......

    Why the head......

    .... tilt, I'm really not sure!! We turned off the road back to Rawnsley in order to take a look at the Cazneaux Tree. The only bird I saw in that area was this Masked Lapwing.
  22. Riding the thermals

    Riding the thermals

    We went to the town of Blinman and I was surprised to see another Emu there, walking across the road as if he owned the town!!! We went to the hotel for lunch (the Pub in the Scrub) as it's affectionately known. In there was information about the Cazneux Tree... a very old gum tree standing...
  23. Whirling dervish

    Whirling dervish

    We'd just decided that the car wouldn't get through that flood and we'd have to turn round, when a vehicle came through and splashed through it. However, it was a much bigger vehicle!!! So back we went and I'm rather glad we did actually, as I wouldn't have seen this Willy Willy moving across...
  24. Road closed

    Road closed

    So,,,, we set off deeper into the Flinders Ranges; this was the ABC Range an area of Quartzite. Suddenly we came across a sign which said "Road Flooded" and we all laughed as there'd been a drought here for a very long time! However, up a brae and down the other side and we were faced with...
  25. The big 'uns

    The big 'uns

    Leaving Hucks Lookout to explore deeper into the Flinders Ranges, we very soon came across some Emu... an adult with a young one and this one, slightly separated. He/she looked huge so close to the car.