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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Does my butt look big? spoonbill

    Does my butt look big? spoonbill

    Roseate Spoonbill roost in a deliciously hidden spot that is a 5 mile round trip kayak trip.
  2. Bald with hairy eared old man Spoonbill

    Bald with hairy eared old man Spoonbill

    Roseate Spoonbill roost in a deliciously hidden spot that is a 5 mile round trip kayak trip.
  3. Roseate Spoonbill (conductor of the mangrove orchestra)

    Roseate Spoonbill (conductor of the mangrove orchestra)

    Roseate Spoonbill roost in a deliciously hidden spot that is a 5 mile round trip kayak trip.
  4. Baby Great Egrets

    Baby Great Egrets

    Baby Great Egrets at the UT Southwestern Medical Center Rookery in Dallas, TX.
  5. Black-crowned Night-heron

    Black-crowned Night-heron

    Black-crowned Night-heron at the UT Southwestern Medical Center Rookery in Dallas, TX.
  6. Anhinga Landing

    Anhinga Landing

    Anhinga landing at the UT Southwestern Medical Center Rookery in Dallas, TX.
  7. Adelie Penguin Colony, Pygoscelis adeliae

    Adelie Penguin Colony, Pygoscelis adeliae

    Carsten Borchgrevinks (1898 1900) hut at Cape Adare surrounded by the largest Adelie Penguin, pygoscelis adeliae, rookery in Antarctica, The Trans Antarctic Mountains and the Ross Sea. Carsten Borchgrevink (1898 1900) returned to Antarctica in the "Southern Cross" and he and seven others were...
  8. Rookery Trio

    Rookery Trio

    Coming in for a landing...
  9. "There's a good nest site over there!"

    "There's a good nest site over there!"

    The Rookery at Smith Oaks - High Island, TX is in High Gear. Roseate Spoonbill, Egrets and Cormorants.
  10. Spoonbill Smile

    Spoonbill Smile

    Have you ever had a Roseate Spoonbill laugh at you? This one appears to be doing so. He was amongst about 25-30 spoonbills already gathering on the Smith Woods Rookery Island
  11. Graceful Great Egrets

    Graceful Great Egrets

    We were recently at the Smith Woods Rookery Island in High Island TX. It was a little early in the season, but there were already about 25-30 spoonbills and many pairs of egrets claiming their spots and starting the task of raising new families. These two were preening in almost ballet-like...