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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Ruff Reflection

    Ruff Reflection

  2. Lakescape - 739

    Lakescape - 739

    He spooked a Wood Sandpiper feeding quietly in the paddy field ... as the young Skimmer flew low over the surface ... Many more Sandpipers and a few Ruffs are seen close to the edge of the field ... ... near the footpath ... __________ Indian Skimmer ... Globally Threatened Wood...
  3. Lakescape - 723

    Lakescape - 723

    Captured today ... Ruff in Breeding Plumage Amazingly ... this Ruff has arrived back from his nesting locales so early ... ... with a large part of his ruff still intact ... ... this is the maximum residual breeding plumage that we have witnessed in our area ... ... he will gradually...
  4. Male and Female Ruff

    Male and Female Ruff

    This pair were wading in near perfect unison at Cley Marsh.
  5. Lakescape - 706 : Ruff : behavior-feeding on grass shoots : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakescape - 706 : Ruff : behavior-feeding on grass shoots : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    An important behavioral documentation ... A Ruff is seen feeding on young shoots and sprouts of fresh monsoon grasses ... Ruff, is a migratory species that starts coming back to India, from its Eurasian breeding habitats as early as August ... Delhi India 23 August 2016
  6. Lakesape - 705 : Godwit and Ruff : group inflight : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakesape - 705 : Godwit and Ruff : group inflight : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    A spectacular show put up by a mixed group of Black-tailed Godwits and Ruffs ... taking off en-masse ... and circling in front of us ... ... giving us this memorable opportunity to shot this fabulous display ... __________ Lost Wetlands of Gurgaon at Basai India 27 September 2019
  7. Male ruff in breeding plumage

    Male ruff in breeding plumage

  8. Talchhapar - 26

    Talchhapar - 26

    Liked that beautifully painted face ... ... highlighted in that glowing pre-sunset light ... __________ Ruff Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu Rajasthan India 24 February 2022
  9. Ruff


  10. Ruff


  11. Ruff


  12. Ruff


  13. Ruff


  14. Ruff


  15. ruff


  16. (short-legged) ruff

    (short-legged) ruff

  17. ruff


  18. Ruff


  19. Beachcombers.....Ruff


  20. three in one

    three in one

    Black-winged Stilt, Sacred ibis and a ruff flyng toghether
  21. ruff


    nice comparison between the sexes
  22. ruff


    always nice to see
  23. Ruff words

    Ruff words

    This Ruff was, it seemed, nesting in a fallow field on the far side of a drainage ditch from where I was walking. No way I could jump over that drainage ditch, or even climb down and back up the 2-meter high, steep, muddy walls of it, with wet mud to get stuck in at the bottom as well. But of...
  24. Ruffs


  25. Simplicity ...

    Simplicity ...

    Simplicity ... Godwits ... ... leading a Ruff life ... _____________ Limosa limosa Philomachus pugnax ____ Dist. Gurgaon Haryana India 29 September 2019