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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. White-rumped Munia, Penang

    White-rumped Munia, Penang

    If not because spotted it back and forth carrying dried straw to fill up its nest, likely I won't be able to get a good shot of it. White-rumped Munia (Lonchura striata) 白腰文鳥, a species not found in Borneo.
  2. Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker, Borneo

    Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker, Borneo

    A close distance encounter with Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker (Prionochilus maculatus) 黃胸鋸嘴啄花鳥.
  3. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird, Borneo

    Ruby-cheeked Sunbird, Borneo

    Male Ruby-cheeked Sunbird (Chalcoparia singalensis) 紫頰直嘴太陽鳥
  4. Plain Sunbird, Borneo

    Plain Sunbird, Borneo

    Plain Sunbird (Anthreptes simplex) 純色直嘴太陽鳥
  5. B

    I found a small bird on the ground, what to do?

    Hello I just found a small bird on the ground. What kind of breed is it and what should I do? Please inform me. Location: Bulgaria Pictures are attached below.
  6. Where I spotted Grey-and-Buff Woodpecker, Borneo

    Where I spotted Grey-and-Buff Woodpecker, Borneo

    Spotted Grey-and-Buff Woodpecker (Hemicircus concretus) 灰黃啄木鳥 Male, in a secondary forest on the side of a not-so-busy road here in a small town called Sibu, situated in the central region of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo.
  7. A

    A question about the Swarovski ATC

    Greetings, I am a large animal veterinarian living in Idaho in the western USA. I do most of my birding locally at the Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge. My favorite are the raptors that I see living here in southwest Idaho. I also use my optics to watch wolves and other wildlife in Yellowstone Park...
  8. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, Borneo

    Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, Borneo

    Velvet-fronted Nuthatch (Sitta frontalis corallipes) 絨額鳾 singing on top of a tree
  9. O


    Locatie: Timis, Banat Vazuta: Paduriciile langa Victor Vlad Delamarin, intre ora 14 si 15 Marime: mica Caracter: Spontana Numar: Erau 4 Fenotip: corp general alb, spate galben, cioc necunoscut, aripi putin galbene cu negru Sunet: "piu" foarte ridicat, avea repetiti de 0.5-1 secunde/a; fiecare...
  10. Small fishing boats, Borneo

    Small fishing boats, Borneo

    Two small fishing boats parked on the beach
  11. Small Orange Tip

    Small Orange Tip

  12. Long Tailed Tits

    Long Tailed Tits

    Again perched lovely for me there was a usual group I think 6 jumping back and forward to the feeders.
  13. Dunnock looking for grubs

    Dunnock looking for grubs

    Lovely Dunnock perched lovely for me whilst looking for some grubs
  14. Reed Bunting

    Reed Bunting

    A wonderful male reed bunting in mid moult. Taken at a local nature spot in Bury, Lancashire.
  15. Small Orange Tip

    Small Orange Tip

  16. Coal Tit -Waiting its turn

    Coal Tit -Waiting its turn

    Another regular visitor waiting its turn for some seed.
  17. Little Blue

    Little Blue

    Lovely Blue Tit eating the seed that it just picked from my feeders. Again not the best as very low light but worth sharing
  18. Breakfast on a rush

    Breakfast on a rush

    This little guy was jumping around the rushes picking off seeds.
  19. Little forktail

    Little forktail

    The little forktail is a species of bird in the family Muscicapidae.
  20. Olivaceous Piculet

    Olivaceous Piculet

  21. Scrub Greenlet or Scrub Vireo

    Scrub Greenlet or Scrub Vireo

  22. Pygmy Falcon

    Pygmy Falcon

    The smallest falcon on the African continent, these tiny raptors are only about 20cm long and not always easy to spot !
  23. Small heath butterfly

    Small heath butterfly

    This is the only small heath i have ever seen, it landed about 15 inches from my feet, in strong wind, almost did a the moonwalk to back up, got just two shots and just one was in focus. Taken at Radwell Bedfordshire, along the river ouse. Are these getting rare?, started macro in 2013 and up...
  24. Grey Wagtail

    Grey Wagtail

    This lovely little bird visited my garden yesterday. A female Grey Wagtail. This maybe the first time I have actually seen one of these lovely little birds. Apologies for the poor quality shot but this was caught by accident, spotted it looking out my window around my pond.
  25. Small Pratincoles

    Small Pratincoles

    These beautiful little Pratincoles were found roosting in Nandur Madhyameshwar Wetlands in India.