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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Snow Bunting

    Snow Bunting

    One of a flock of around 40 birds present in area on-and-off over the winter. The area these were favouring is regularly "seeded" to attract the birds - at least in part I'd guess to make them easier to trap and ring! This individual just one of the birds already rung (banded). Caught in...
  2. Lapland Bunting

    Lapland Bunting

    Long-staying bird present for previous few weeks though as it's on it's own it can be tricky to find given how unobtrusive it can be and how cryptic its' plumage is in it's chosen location and habitat.
  3. The mating dance of a Wagtail, Video, sound on

    The mating dance of a Wagtail, Video, sound on

    The mating dance of a Wagtail
  4. Sparrow hawk

    Sparrow hawk

    Sparrow hawk on garden wall
  5. House Sparrow 0095.jpg

    House Sparrow 0095.jpg

    House Sparrow
  6. Bittern


    I had a great day at lakenheah fen yesterday.Highlights of the day was watching two bitterns chasing each other for about 10mins over the reedbed.They came almost over my head 3 or 4 times .
  7. Tree Creeper_01.JPG

    Tree Creeper_01.JPG

    Tree Creeper
  8. Stonechat Male_01.JPG

    Stonechat Male_01.JPG

  9. Dartford Warbler 1_01.JPG

    Dartford Warbler 1_01.JPG

    Male Dartford Warbler
  10. Mandarin ducks

    Mandarin ducks

    I feel like these belong here in the UK. I am always delighted to see them. But I never saw more than 2 at once, and here, there were 6 waiting for me, as if to distract me from the woodpeckers failing to put up an appearance
  11. Nuthatch 3205.jpg

    Nuthatch 3205.jpg

  12. Greenfinch 3821 .jpg

    Greenfinch 3821 .jpg

  13. kingfisher


    Female kingfisher.I watched this lovely bird moving 40yards between a tidal sluice channel and it's perch on a busy road bridge...Cars and people were just a few feet away from it and she didn't seem a bothered by all the activity and people had no idea that they were only a few feet from a...
  14. Barred Warbler - Kessingland

    Barred Warbler - Kessingland

    Caught up with the uncommonly showy Barred Warbler at Kessingland over the weekend
  15. Coue's Arctic Redpoll

    Coue's Arctic Redpoll

    The confiding and long-staying bird at Aldburgh in Suffolk. Shows up brilliantly against the dark soil of the field it's feeding in. Virtually glows, even in dodgy light
  16. Pallas Warbler - Kessingland, Suffolk

    Pallas Warbler - Kessingland, Suffolk

    Pretty chuffed at getting any shot given the flittiness of the bird and the light levels. Cracking little warbler at Kessingland this morning
  17. Wryneck at Corton Old Sewage Plant

    Wryneck at Corton Old Sewage Plant

    Wryneck at Corton Old Sewage Plant
  18. Female Bluethroat Ness Point

    Female Bluethroat Ness Point

  19. Southwold


    showing the pier, taken from Sizewell beach (approximately 7 or 8 miles south)
  20. Southwold


    Looking from the hide near Blythburgh, a favourite place of mine
  21. Dartford Warbler

    Dartford Warbler

    Taken at Dunwich Heath yesterday
  22. Bittern


    Bittern getting closer and closer whilst testing 1.4X TC
  23. Oystercatcher


    A grey old day as you can see - a bit like this morning! Will catch up during the day.
  24. Suffolk Seascape

    Suffolk Seascape

    Taken shortly after sunrise
  25. Water rail - where they're supposed to be!

    Water rail - where they're supposed to be!

    A more expected view of part of a family group of four water rail seen feeding under the walkway at Minsmere.