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  1. Little Egret and an ex-frog

    Little Egret and an ex-frog

    Unlucky frog
  2. Fandango739

    Yorktown, Virginia, United States of America - swallows

    Are these Bank Swallows or maybe Northern Rough-winged Swallows? In looking at the Peterson Guide, it would appear that coastal Virginia is at the southern edge of the Bank Swallow's range, which means that it might be possible. It was a very dark, rainy day when I took the photos, so yes, I...
  3. Swallows


    Swallows resting on their way South
  4. Swallow in my garden.

    Swallow in my garden.

    Swallow over my garden.
  5. Swallow over Meadow

    Swallow over Meadow

    Swallow flying over a meadow.
  6. Swallow over my garden.

    Swallow over my garden.

    Swallow in flight.
  7. Big Yawn

    Big Yawn

    Barn Swallow parent waiting on it's babies to take flight
  8. Barn Swallow in flight

    Barn Swallow in flight

  9. W

    Relocating swallow nest

    Hi We are converting an outdoor building and want to relocate a swallow nest that we know has been in there an active for the last 3 years. where is the best place for us to do this, what are the things that swallows need
  10. Pale-footed Swallow

    Pale-footed Swallow

    The scarcer forest cousin of the abundant Blue-and-white Swallow
  11. Purple Martin

    Purple Martin

  12. Purple Martins

    Purple Martins

  13. Welcome Swallow

    Welcome Swallow

    Welcome Swallow
  14. K

    Bird in Chitwan, Nepal in September

    Hi, anyone know what type of birds these are, I have low certainty in my guess? They were found along a river's edge. Thanks!
  15. Swallow


    Won't be long now before they start to turn up.
  16. Cave Swallow in flight

    Cave Swallow in flight

    My first, and so far only, sighting of this type of swallow. I was out shooting the tree swallows and barn swallows flying around the lake, and this one different looking swallow was mixed in. I had to take this one to the bird forums for ID, and was told it was a cave swallow.
  17. Barn Swallow

    Barn Swallow

    Barn Swallow
  18. Lights ... Camera ... Take

    Lights ... Camera ... Take

    Lights ... Camera ... Take ____________ Sometimes ... ... not often ... that elements all ... favor a bird photographer ... As is evident ... ... here in this stand-out performance by this fabulous ... colorful pair of swallows ... A fleeting moment ... becomes a memorable one...
  19. swallow 7722

    swallow 7722

    Taken during the start
  20. swallow


    looks like last of the swallows have gone, never seen them yesterday...summer is over....
  21. Barn Swallow (1st yr bird)

    Barn Swallow (1st yr bird)

    Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster (1st yr bird)
  22. swallow


    the last few swallows...
  23. swallow


    a long shot.... this is not one of them but counted over seventy yesterday morning then all departed by the afternoon...
  24. swallow


    still about a dozen flying around the pond....
  25. swallow

