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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Barn Swallow (male)

    Barn Swallow (male)

    Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) Male.
  2. Red-rumped Swallow

    Red-rumped Swallow

  3. Red-rumped Swallow

    Red-rumped Swallow

  4. Red-rumped Swallow Collecting mud for nest

    Red-rumped Swallow Collecting mud for nest

  5. Red-rumped Swallow Collecting mud for nest

    Red-rumped Swallow Collecting mud for nest

  6. Red-rumped Swallow

    Red-rumped Swallow

  7. swallow


  8. Swallow


  9. Soaring above the clouds

    Soaring above the clouds

  10. Sniff! Sniff!

    Sniff! Sniff!

    ASY female Purple Martin
  11. swallow


    got three here with rings on this year not something i like to see...
  12. Cliff Swallow

    Cliff Swallow

    Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota gainieri)
  13. Barn Swallow

    Barn Swallow

  14. FINALLY.....


    ...... after many attempts got one good enough to post.
  15. swallow


  16. Meadow Flight

    Meadow Flight

  17. swallow


  18. swallow


    just a little kiss.!....
  19. Swallow


  20. swallow


  21. Barn Swallow

    Barn Swallow

    Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster)
  22. Cliff Swallow

    Cliff Swallow

    Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota gainieri)
  23. Barn Swallow (juvenile)

    Barn Swallow (juvenile)

    Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) Juvenile wing stretching.
  24. Barn Swallow

    Barn Swallow

    One of my favourite birds, The Barn Swallow taken at RSPB Minsmere, Suffolk, U.K
  25. Swallow


    Have waited all week for 2 swallows to stay in one place and just as I was looking at something else, he sang to let me know he was there.