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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Willet #2

    Willet #2

  2. Willet


  3. Willet


  4. Willet in the Crashing Surf

    Willet in the Crashing Surf

    He soon abandoned this rock perch as the water got too deep.
  5. Walking Willet

    Walking Willet

    A trio of these birds were bathing and preening together. I really liked the color of the water in the bay on this day.
  6. Angry Willet

    Angry Willet

    He was making a lot of racket trying to get me away from his nest and family. Little did he know all I wanted was his picture.
  7. Willet Taking Flight

    Willet Taking Flight

    He had been standing on a fence post in the middle of a field by the highway.
  8. The midget and the giant

    The midget and the giant

    Thought this shot shows well for size comparison.
  9. Willet


    Found 16 individuals of these passage migrants on their way to northern prairie.
  10. Willet Wings

    Willet Wings

    Sort of a drably colored shorebird, but they sure do have pretty wings.
  11. Ebony and Ivory

    Ebony and Ivory

    This is only the 3rd time I've seen oystercatchers and the first time at this particular spot. I have a close-up of the OC that I'll post later.
  12. willet


    I spent several hours watching the waders along the beach at Santa Barbara at sunrise and sunset.
  13. Willet amongst the Kelp

    Willet amongst the Kelp

    Lots of birds foraging in the kelp. Sanderlings, turnstones, godwits, gulls, crows, a black phoebe and even a grackle. This is a great briding spot if anyone makes it out this way.
  14. Look what he's been hiding!

    Look what he's been hiding!

    Such a plain looking bird until it flies.
  15. Good to the last Drop

    Good to the last Drop

    Willet just before sunset
  16. Willet


    If this is not a willet just say so.
  17. Willet


    Willet early morning at Galveston Island, TX State Park
  18. Willet


    Willet in saltmarsh