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  1. Wren


  2. Carolina wren

    Carolina wren

    Suet - the breakfast of champions!
  3. Wren


    Winter is coming soon. More and more time for domestic species. Today was already grey and cold. Yesterday close to 27 Celsius. What a difference. I read about the fuel supply crisis in the UK. Time to ride a bike. You are a country with many cycle champions. Just kidding. Please do not be...
  4. Wren


  5. Wren


  6. Juvenile wren

    Juvenile wren

    No the easiest bird to capture. They are very shy.
  7. Juvenile wren

    Juvenile wren

  8. Juvenile wren

    Juvenile wren

    The youngsters took a lot of time because they are def. more shy/inexperienced. Back in town after a superb summer week at my parents´ place with gardening, cycling and BBQs.
  9. Juvenile wren

    Juvenile wren

  10. Wren on a stick

    Wren on a stick

  11. Guess this will be one peck at the time

    Guess this will be one peck at the time

    Carolina Wren sizing up a cherry
  12. What a meal!

    What a meal!

    for one of the waiting youngsters.
  13. Wren


    The best perch to show me the insects for his offspring. LOL.
  14. House wren

    House wren

    A house wren sings his/her song repeatedly on top of the bluebird house that I modified, in vain, to keep this very species from nesting in it.
  15. Wren


  16. Viva


    I hope I'm posting this in the right category... Anyhow, recently I hung a bird house that I built myself. As it wasn't very well made, I didn't really think anything would live in it, and figured it would just be for decoration. However, one day I peeked inside of it and saw sticks piled up...
  17. Wren


  18. Wren


  19. 193- Troglodytes troglodytes Wren-12 février 2020.jpg

    193- Troglodytes troglodytes Wren-12 février 2020.jpg

    Troglodyte mignon - Troglodytes troglodytes - Wren
  20. Wren


    This little one had been escaping me for a while until recently. I was hearing them all the time but found it hard to photograph them until the other day. Found a couple at WWT Washington in the Hollow Wood area of the reserve. Lovely to finally get to photograph one.
  21. Wren


  22. Wren


  23. Wren


  24. Peruvian wren

    Peruvian wren

    A Peruvian member of the charismatic Andean genus Cinnycerthia, which share the interesting characteristic that individuals have a varying amount of white on the head ranging from none, to a simple eyering, to blotches that can cover most of the head. This is apparently in relation to breeding...
  25. Carolina wren

    Carolina wren

    Backyard resident