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2 days available end of June - where to go ? (1 Viewer)

I think I had a close encounter with one of those protonotaries once, but it was too dark at the time to see it. I should have hunted down some recordings at the time to compare to what I heard... ;)
Hi - in football (soccer) parlance it was a game of 2 halves - first half spent in the Minneapolis area was fairly unsuccessful and wet - got very rained on at Crosby Farm and saw little of note I think either there or at Snelling Fort - certainly no prothonotaries which were a bit of a target.

Second half things improved significantly in the Aitkin County area - McGregor, Palisade, southern Sax-Zim - GGOwl, B-b woodpecker, Upland sandpiper and Connecticut warbler to name but a few and some fantastic out of the way places.

Great country. 103 sp.

And thank you to you all for your input in making my 2 days so productive and enjoyable.

I figured Aitkin would be a good bet. Nice that you were able to see the resident breeding GGOW. Not easy to find.
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