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400km E Mid Atlantic Ridge - Gannet or Booby? (4 Viewers)


Well-known member
Dear Members and Bird Watchers!

I am 700 km south west of Arqupelago Dos Acores and about 400 km east of the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

And the only bird I see today is a bird hunting in front of my boat for a while and then the bird takes a lap of honour around the boat before it disappears.

I manage to get some pictures with my small pocket camera and I ID the bird as a young Northern Gannet.

I get internet from a satellite and it is sucking balls. Very slow but I looked for juvenile pictures of the gannet and I discover that my bird is more like a Masked Booby because of the head and the wing pattern.

Was I wrong to change the ID to Masked Booby?

Kind Regards and Happy Birding


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Isn't it more like brown booby? Difficult from these images but I can't see a strong underwing bar as I would expect if it were masked, and I think the blue facial skin and pale (not bright yellow) bill fit better
Isn't it more like brown booby? Difficult from these images but I can't see a strong underwing bar as I would expect if it were masked, and I think the blue facial skin and pale (not bright yellow) bill fit better
Doesn't the white on the upperside support Masked rather than Brown Booby?
Doesn't the white on the upperside support Masked rather than Brown Booby?
Yes you're right. I assumed immature brown could show this and it can (a bit) but it looks better for masked. Consulting ebird images shows other aspects are within variation for that too---so masked
Dear THE_FERN and Mike Earp

Highly appreciated! Thanks!

I am operating with some difficulties right now so the help is very appreciated. I have to write the message on my lap top and then transfer to my phone to upload it to internet.

I cannot write on my phone with my sausage fingers and to upload pictures on internet is an lengthy affair. So Thanks again!

Kind Regards
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