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Pacific Ocean - Gulf of Panama (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear Members and Bird Watchers
Pacific Ocean – Gulf of Panama
One Booby landing on the boat, I tried to take a picture but it was heavy rain at the time. And even without the rain it would have been poor with my Scooby Doo pocket camera.

Black Bill
Black or very dark wings
Belly and throat dark grey, like a pencil grey
The feet looked to be light, maybe pinkish/ yellowish

At the time I had 7 Brown Boobies around, but this bird looked to be bigger and I imagine the bird to have a slightly different behaviour.

Is it possible to ID the bird by the poor picture provided as an attachment?

Kind Regards and Happy Birding


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I'd say you have an immature Brown Booby: ML576296271 Brown Booby Macaulay Library

The other booby options, Blue-footed and Peruvian, aren't as dark in the chest/belly area and the Red-footed Bobby is pretty rare in the region, plus it would have a clearer bill color.
On balance I think you're right. However, the second photo shows the feet with a reddish tinge (confirmed by the op) which matches red-footed (brown should be yellowish. Oth, bill is dark, good for brown (could be imm red-foot), and tail looks dark (brown). Red-footed should be very slightly smaller if anything
Thank you Igonz1008 and THE_FERN!

Darn! JUST AS I WAS GETTING CONFIDENT with the bobbies.

This bird kept for it self and looked a wee bit bigger. The other hunted together.

I will keep my report to 7 brown.

Thanks again, highly appreciated.

Thank you Igonz1008 and THE_FERN!

Darn! JUST AS I WAS GETTING CONFIDENT with the bobbies.

This bird kept for it self and looked a wee bit bigger. The other hunted together.

I will keep my report to 7 brown.

Thanks again, highly appreciated.

Something that can be a bit confusing for a number of bird species (especially for Sulids and other pelagic families), the immature individuals can look bigger than the adults due to the fluffed-up feathers that are not fully molted into the sleeker adult plumage.
Something that can be a bit confusing for a number of bird species (especially for Sulids and other pelagic families), the immature individuals can look bigger than the adults due to the fluffed-up feathers that are not fully molted into the sleeker adult plumage.

I see some burds during the spring, especially black birdscetc and the baby loojs to be twice the size of the parent

Kind regards
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