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Planicie Abissar Da Madeira – Atlantic Ocean - Gannet / booby? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear Members and Bird Watchers!

Nort east of Madeira and south of the Ascores, I had a new friend in front of the boat and it looked like a gannet, but very dark.

Behaviour just like a gannet or booby, in front of the boat diving for fish. The gulls are usually coming in from aft soaring by and then turn around and coming back in from the aft again.

Is it possible to ID the bird from my poor pictures? Please bear in mind that I only have my very small pocket camera with me. And I really regret leaving my bird camera back home as we will pass the Panama Canal next week.

Kind Regards and Happy Birding


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Dear Members and Bird Watchers!

Nort east of Madeira and south of the Ascores, I had a new friend in front of the boat and it looked like a gannet, but very dark.

Behaviour just like a gannet or booby, in front of the boat diving for fish. The gulls are usually coming in from aft soaring by and then turn around and coming back in from the aft again.

Is it possible to ID the bird from my poor pictures? Please bear in mind that I only have my very small pocket camera with me. And I really regret leaving my bird camera back home as we will pass the Panama Canal next week.

Kind Regards and Happy Birding
Looks like Red-footed Booby to me.
I would be happy to believe it is RfB but is there no chance this very bleached-out photo shows some immature Gannet (bassanus)? I quickly scanned a few thumb-pages of immatures at inaturalist and observation.org and did find no match but that hardly qualifies as a proper search.


ps...nice find!
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